bonus one

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 A/N: All of the below scenes are the ones, which I wish I'd have added to the story but couldn't fit in properly. Consider them as deleted scenes or something. And yes, any of the scenes are not connected, so these are written in bits and pieces. Happy reading.


Meruza came into the kitchen with a mischievous smirk on her face, as she watched a glowing Haya preparing the tea.

"Can I get a cup too?" she asked with an innocent smile, whilst sitting on top of the kitchen counter. Haya nodded with a smile, her face was still glowing like a bulb. Meruza wondered how she'd begin her teasing.

"What is on your neck, Haya?" a confused Haya touched her neck in shock. Meruza giggled childishly as she watched her sister in law's horrified face. Haya clearly remembered applying concealer everywhere, did she miss a spot or what?

"Make sure not to be too loud the next time. I'm an innocent girl living in this house." Meruza exclaimed dramatically. Haya coughed as she heard those words. Her face became red in embarrassment, eyes too shy to meet her sister-in-law's face.

"I think Abrar is calling me." Haya runs away from the kitchen, not even bothering about the tea. Meruza bursts out laughing as she saw how shy her sister-in-law was. Teasing is so much fun.


Haya could not believe that her so-called family was forcing her to marry some random stranger. His family seemed good though. But her so-called future husband has shown no interest in her. Not like she's interested in him or something. But the situation in which she was there is way too complicated.

If she didn't marry Abrar Shah, then Ahil would divorce her sister, Sanam. Even though Sanam hasn't been the best sister to her, she still cares for that girl. Knowing Aahil he might really do what he said. Greed is making him blind.

But Haya wouldn't marry someone just like that. Suddenly an idea popped into her mind. Almost immediately, she did her ablution and offered salat-al-Istikharah. It was Fajr luckily. Lost in all the disturbing thoughts she slept after that. 

In the noon, her best friend Natasha has called to check up on her and was shocked to know all the happenings in her life.

"The answer was yes?" Natasha asked for the fourth time in a row.

"Yes. It was positive. I think I'll follow Allah's guide and marry him. Is there anything worse left to happen?" Haya chuckled dryly.

"Be happy, Haya. If you say that your prayers' answer was positive then you'll find your happiness in that marriage. Cheer up." Natasha encouraged her softly.

"I guess so too. I'll talk to you later. Someone's at the door." Haya hung up the call and opened the door to find an eager looking Muskaan, standing outside, ready to hear her answer.

"I'll marry Abrar Shah."


Haya and Abrar sat on the sofa, cuddled in each other's arms as they watched the TV. Upon Haya's pleadings, he has installed one in their room and now they spend their spare time watching something random.

Most of the time, Abrar would watch her instead of the TV, which was a huge distraction for Haya and they'd end up making out passionately whilst the TV would still be playing. Having her husband look at her as if she was the most beautiful woman alive will always be a distraction for her. She'd melt at those eyes no matter how mad or angry she was. He has been using it to his advantage lately.

"Mmm." she moaned in pleasure as he sneaked his hands inside her Kurti and drew weird patterns on her stomach. Her eyes now were fixed on his, as they stared at each other with desire.

Swiftly he made her seated on his lap and she wrapped her legs around his torso. Their breathings were now uneven and loud.

He leaned in to kiss her but frowned as she stopped him, "what?" he asked with annoyance.

"I was wondering why you are smoking less these days? I'm genuinely curious." Haya mumbled, Abrar's ears turned pink in shyness.

"You noticed, huh?" she shrugged at his question, "I notice everything about you, Abrar Shah."

"Is that so, Hayat?" his voice filled with mischief and teasing. She glared at him.

"You really wanted me to answer that in the middle of our kiss?" he wondered with annoyance, she nodded her head impatiently.

"The thing is we have been making out lately, and I don't want you to not like this." by saying so he pulled her into a quick kiss. Her eyes widened in shock but she kissed him back anyway. But that ridiculous smile refused to leave her face throughout the make-out session knowing that he is stopping to smoke just for her sake, just so that she'd enjoy the kisses as much as him... Can he get any sweeter?

"But weren't you addicted to that?" Haya wondered once they broke apart for taking breaths.

"I like this addiction better." he seductively traced his finger over her lips making Haya shut her eyes in pleasure and they were making out again, more wildly this time; if that was even possible.

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