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Two weeks later.

Abrar was fit and fine by then, his injuries have healed with time and now all of his attention was on the upcoming elections in which he was taking part in. The campaigns and speeches tired him to no extent and even today he wasn't home yet.

After spending almost, a month together, suddenly having him gone made Haya miss her husband terribly. He spends less time at home and more time at work. And that irked her.

Haya looked at the door and then at the wall clock which made her frown with each passing second. It was 11:45 and the fact that Abrar hasn't returned home yet made her feel slightly panicked? She had no idea. But she really was worried. After seeing him injured and hurt, Haya realized how dangerous it is for him, the life of a politician was tough. No jokes.

With a sigh, she got up from her seat and walked upstairs to Meruza's bedroom, thinking of ways to not show her embarrassment but Meruza wasn't the type of girl who'd let you live in peace after knowing that you don't have your husband's phone number. It was Haya's fault anyway, so she was ready to take all the teasing as long as she could get Abrar's number.

"Who is it?" luckily, she didn't sound sleepy yet, which made Haya heave a sigh of relief.

"It's me." before Haya could complete her words, Meruza has already opened the door and stared at Haya quizzically.

"Hi... good that you weren't sleeping. I wanted to ask you for something." Haya pushed her away as she barged into her room, making Meruza frown in confusion, "what do you want at this time?" she pressed on the word time more precisely to which Haya gave a sheepish smile in return.

"Well... the thing is Abrar hasn't returned home yet." Haya trailed off; her inner self mocked her for not having her own husband's mobile number. Why didn't she ever think about that?

"So, you came here to kill your time?" Meruza wondered loudly, Haya nodded yes and then a no making her all the more confused.

"You see the time; it's going to be twelve already and he hasn't returned home yet. I'm quite concerned." Meruza's face broke into a big smile as she heard the last line. She was so happy for her cousin that he has got such a good wife.

"Call him then," Meruza stated as it was the most obvious thing to do. Haya frowned at that reply.

"Exactly... I don't know how to call him." Meruza stared at her blankly wondering what did she mean.

"OH. You don't have balance, huh? Don't worry... use mine." Meruza picked her phone which lied on the bed and handed it over to Haya, who looked at her amazedly.

Wow... Why didn't she think of that?

Haya was glad that she has escaped her sister in law's endless teasing. With a sigh, she opened the contacts and dialled Abrar's number.

"Assalamualaikum, Meruza. What happened? Everything okay?" Abrar asked wondering why'd his cousin call him at the odd hours. His background sounded very silent.

"Walaikum Assalam." Abrar had to check his phone twice to see if it really was Meruza because he could swear that he has heard Haya's voice.

"Is that you, Meruza?" he asked in confusion, Haya just smiled inwardly going along with the play for some time.

"Yes... I'm Meruza only. Why'd you ask?" Haya suppressed her laughter as she saw Meruza laughing in one corner.

'You're so evil' her sister in law mouthed to her with a smirk. Haya shrugged innocently as she waited for Abrar to reply to her. When not hearing his response, she stared at the screen in confusion.

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