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It's been twenty days and Abrar has been recovering pretty well. He still wasn't allowed to get out of the house though. Since the doctor said to take bed rest for a month, the family has been following it strictly. Only Abrar wasn't very fond of it. He was glad that they at least let him come out of the room.

Bano though thinks that it was all over-exaggeration and she was unable to see the melodrama which takes place in the house every day. More like she was done with all of it. Seeing Abrar in the home 24/7 is really not her favourite thing.

"Meruza, are we running out of ketchup?" Haya asked curiously as she kept the pakoras in the low flame and came to the living room. Abrar wanted to eat that so badly and she couldn't say no to his cute face. Yes, cute face.

"I guess," Meruza replied with her head still on the phone. Haya pouted as she started walking back to the kitchen but stopped on her steps as she heard something interesting.

"Meruza beta, don't you remember tomorrow is Abrar's birthday?" Bano asked with a hidden smirk on her face.

"Oh, yes. It is. But Ammi, he doesn't celebrate it anymore." Meruza replied with a confused expression, wondering why in the world was her mother talking about Abrar? She was supposed to hate him.

"I was just asking." Bano shrugged nonchalantly as she noticed Haya smile to herself. She was proud that her motive has been succeeded.

Haya was lost in her thoughts as she removed the pakoras from the oil. Lately, Abrar has been nice to her, for once he was starting to behave like a normal human being. They've grown pretty close unknowingly. They talk a lot these days and spend so much time together, mainly because Abrar cannot go anywhere and Haya thought to give him company. After all of that, she did observe one thing, Abrar was no longer the arrogant guy anymore. He acts cold and all but he is a softie from within and that urged her to do something special for him, on his birthday.

She giggled to herself at the thought of surprising Abrar with a cake tonight. She was already impatient to see his reaction. Now all she needed to do was to prepare the cake. Luckily the Shah kitchen has an oven and it was no big deal for her to bake a cake.

The whole day Haya had that ridiculous smile on her face, which started creeping Abrar a little bit. But he thought she looked cute when she smiles, so he didn't really mind it.


The day passed by quickly and it was almost ten-thirty in the night but Haya was still in the kitchen, decorating the cake with icing and chocolates. She has planned all of that in secret, hoping to surprise her husband, so none of the family was aware of the cake. Her mouth watered just by looking at her creation. But she controlled herself, it's not like Abrar is going to eat everything.

Haya thought she'd eat more than half of it by herself. If only she knew.

On the other hand, Abrar sat on the bed with a bored expression as he looked at his phone and then at the door as every single minute passed by. He wondered where Haya was. By this time, she'd already been on the bed every day. He wouldn't want to admit but he was missing her. He really was. After spending a lot of time with him and suddenly not being able to see her made him miss her terribly more than he'd like to admit.

In a flash, Haya was already in the room, removing her braid and makeup. Abrar took his pleasure in watching her like he does every day. She stared at him through the corner of her eyes as she untangled her hair. He stared back at her without getting bored. And it was too much for her take, which ultimately made her blush slightly. Her ears and cheeks turned red in shyness as Haya brushed her hair.

"Where were you?" Abrar asked as he stood up from the bed, and took slow steps towards her. Haya's heartbeat suddenly started to beat faster than usual, "I was in the kitchen." she replied hiding away her nervousness.

"This long?" he wondered curiously whilst looking at the mirror and sets his hair. Haya now stared at him through the mirror as she watched him run his fingers through his hair, standing behind her. She could literally feel his hot breath on her neck. Her breath hitched as she held the dressing table for support.

What in the world was happening to her?

"Haya?" Abrar smiled at her, as he noticed her getting affected by his closeness.

"Hmm." she hummed cluelessly whilst brushing her hair, but all she wanted was to go and hide somewhere. Haya wanted to figure out what was wrong with her lately, she wondered why was she behaving all giddy around him? What is this attraction doing to her?

"I asked you something." Abrar chuckled softly as he looked at her amusingly.

"Uh?" Haya was still very clueless, it'd be a lot better if he just moved away. Maybe a little bit. But funnily she was liking the new closeness, at the same time it was also freaking her out, turning her completely speechless and dumb in front of him.

"Nothing." Abrar finally moved away and Haya released the huge breath which she was holding until now. She wasn't even aware that she was holding it for a long time.

Haya goes to wash her face and when she came back, Abrar was already on the bed. Ready to knock out soon.

After few awkward minutes of silence, they both headed to sleep. One with a huge grin and the other with a mysterious smile.

Haya pretended to be asleep and waited for the time to strike 11:45, and it was only 11:09.

There was a saying that if you wait for the time to pass, the time would move really very slow and Haya finally realized its true meaning. After what felt like an eternity, it was finally 11: 55. Haya excitedly goes to the kitchen and takes out the cake from the fridge.

After coming back to their bedroom, Haya locks the door quietly and placed the cake beside Abrar and patiently waited for the clock to strike 12:00. When it did Haya squealed delightfully as she shook him awake.

Abrar blinked open his eyes wondering what happened and was confused when he saw a smiling Haya staring at him weirdly.

"What happened?" Abrar asked in his husky sleepy voice, which made Haya's heart skip a beat. He had to rub his eyes violently to wake up fully.

"Happy birthday... Surpriseee." Haya brought the cake near to him, when he registered her words, his face paled and it confused Haya as it wasn't exactly the reaction she has expected.

A very angry Abrar snatched the cake from her and threw it on the floor.

"Thank you for the cake," he muttered sarcastically, his voice dripping with anger and annoyance.

Haya watched him in horror as she had her mouth agape.

"Are you mad? What the hell is wrong with you? I took so much effort in preparing that." Haya was in tears as she shot him a furious glare. She wouldn't lie, it did hurt her. So much.

"I did not ask for you to make it," Abrar replied, his reply was curt and annoying.

Haya felt like slapping him across the face. What kind of person does this? She was just being nice and in return, he does this and all the respect which she had for him was going to the gutter in the blink of an eye.

Abrar Shah was the most irritating and meanest person she ever met and nothing in the world can change her opinion. Maybe she was wrong in judging him, he can never change. He will always be the arrogant guy and she hates him, so much.

"I hate you so much, Abrar Shah," Haya muttered furiously as she wiped away her tears whilst eyeing the cake and then glared at him. In no time she was out of the room, slamming the door shut loudly, all she wanted was to be away from him.

'What have I done!' Abrar stared at the cake and then at the door.

It wasn't his fault that his twin died on their birthday. Can you blame him for hating that day?

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