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Elise took a deep breath in as she stood before the closed double doors. Her mate had just entered the ballroom. He had entered so calm and regal, like the king he was. Everything about him demanded outright respect. How was a shy little omega like herself supposed to enter after that. He had said there would be no pressure yet she certainly felt pressure, immense pressure.

Suddenly without warning she heard her name and title announced. It was so soon. She was hardly ready. She however did as she was supposed to whilst really wanting to throw up but she knew that she couldn't do that. One small misstep would make sure everyone remembered. That was certainly terrifying. What would everyone think if she suddenly threw up.

A hand gently touched hers, fingers melded in with her own and they gently guided her. "You are doing brilliantly Regina."

She nodded softly, trying to keep her head held high. It was a very new environment for the young queen. For the first time in her life she had to hold her head up high in public instead of down.

Warm brown eyes looked into her own eyes. They were filled with love and pride. He had a smile on his lips. His gentleness and support was giving her courage and confidence. It was making warmth bloom in her chest.

The King watched his mate as she grew taller under his gaze. She reminded him of a little bird spreading their wings for the first time. Alongside him he would make her blossom and grow into a strong queen, a woman she had never thought she could be.

Elise had begun to smile under his gaze. She had started peeking around ing curiousity, silently fawning over the beautiful dresses donned by those on either side of the isle leading up to the two thrones on a raised platform. The people had parted for them like an ocean split in two, everyone trying to be at the front to catch a glimpse of their new queen.

She doubted anyone from her own pack recognized her anymore. She certainly didn't, not with her gorgeous dress and changed hairstyle and the fact that she was wearing make up.

Revion turned around with her to face the eager crowd as they stood on the platform just in front of the thrones. "Look at them all my sweet little Elise. These are now your people, your subjects."

He took a silver diamond encrusted tiara off a velvet pillow and placed it on her head.

She was not expecting it at all and was also very sure that she should have practiced walking with a tiara on her head at least a bit. It felt so heavy and uneven. She was wobbling slightly. How on earth did people wear those in movies and not break into tears.

She felt his fingers slowly placed themselves below her chin. They gently tilted it up, lifting her eyes.

"Head up Elise. You are a queen."

"I'm not sure if I can do this Revion. I'm an Omega. This is not exactly my scene. I usually prefer to keep my head down..."

He shook his head. "Then this is a perfect opportunity to learn to keep it up. With training you will learn. Now head up, remember you are the most powerful woman and wolf in this room. No one outranks you."

She frowned. "What about you?"

He lead her to her throne and sat her down. "Even you outrank me my love, for I am the one who would follow you to the edges of the world just to see a smile on those beautiful lips of yours. I would do anything to see the spark  of wonder in your eyes and to hear you utter my name with love and happiness."

"Why? I can't understand."

"You don't need to understand it, you only need to accept it. Now no more belittling yourself. Tonight is a night of celebration on your behalf."


"Must I repeat it for you to understand it? You woke me up and gave me the power to restore the kingdom. You are more powerful than you think. Now head up high and smile. Tonight is your night," he said.

He smiled as he watched the blush grow on her cheeks.

Elise had never felt more appreciated in her life and for once it was by the right kind of people.

He toasted a glass of wine and the music started. It was slow and gentle. Beautifully romantic.

"Care for a dance my love?" He asked slowly leading her up from her seat.

"A dance? I can't—"

He placed a finger on her lips. "None of that nonsense. I'll lead you. All you need to do is follow me. Half the people here don't know what they are doing either."

He slowly led her to the centre.

"The music is so slow," she whispered softly.

They stood parallel.

He placed both her hands in his. "That is the point."

He slowly began to lead her in a waltz and soon she had the rhythm and movements memorized.

He gently spun her out and watched as her dress spun out like a flower blooming in spring. She seemed to adore twirls for that exact reason.

She spun in a little too fast and stumbled back. He quickly leaned down and caught her just off the floor, as if it were apart of the dance.

They froze in that position. Her heart strumming fast.

He pulled her up just a few centimeters and kissed her. His lips on her own and she gasped in surprised.

Usually she might have panicked wondering whether it was acceptable to do such in public but she did not. Instead she gave in quickly.

His lips were sweet and overpowering and she had no wish for him to stop anytime soon. It was not like she could pull away for two reasons. One, it was not like she wanted to. Two, she would fall on the floor if she did.

The moment he lifted his head there was clapping and cheering around them whilst he staring lovingly into her eyes leaving her breathless and speechless.



Sorry for leaving you all for so long.

I had huge writer's block with this story and I still do. I don't exactly know how I want this storyline to go so if you have any suggestions please do comment them.

Thank you for all the comments and votes.

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