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Daniel Adams

When we entered the party together, Eloise halted her steps all of a sudden and groaned out loud.

"What happened?" I frowned.

"Rick and Michael are also here." She whispered and boobed her head in their direction. I clenched my jaw when my eyes landed on those two douchebags.

"Don't worry, I'm with you. I won't let them do anything to you," I whispered back. She nodded her head then we walked to where Evan and Trish were standing.

"Oh, Eloise, you rocked the show as always." Trish hugged her. Eloise beamed in return. Evan too praised her.

"Hi, Daniel." Trish waved her hand. I took her hands in mine and kissed the back of her hands.

"You look beautiful, Trish." She blushed and giggled. I heard the clearing of the throat. Evan, who was standing beside me did that and had a deep scowl on his face. I smirked because I knew what that expression was for.

I shifted towards him and whispered, "The feeling, I can understand." He faced me with raised eyebrows.

"Don't worry, Evan, I ain't stealing your woman. I have mine." I patted his back.

"I don't understand what you do that makes my girlfriend gush over you." He whispered.

"She's bubbly, she would do it for anyone, not just me." I chuckled.

"You're right. She has extra energy enclosed in her." He shook his head.

"What are you two whispering?" Eloise asked eyeing us suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing. Just man to man talk, right Evan?"

"Yeah, same." He mumbled.

A lady approached us with a big smile on her face and kissed Eloise's cheek. "You were good. I'm sure now you'll get new offers." She said. Eloise smiled slightly and faced me.

"Daniel, this is my mother, Elena Norman, and Mom, this is Daniel Adams."

"Who doesn't know him? He's quite popular. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Adams." She extended her hand for a handshake.

I smiled. "A pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Norman. And please, call me Daniel." I kissed the back of her hand.

"And you me Elena."

I shifted towards Eloise and whispered in her ear. "Now I get it from where you received the looks."

"Oh, really? What if I received them from my father?" She smirked. She always loves to challenge me.

"Then I have to meet your father, too. I would love to see who from your parents contributed to your looks."

"Eager, are we? What if I don't want you to meet my father?" Her smirk turned wicked but she didn't know that I'm always one step ahead.

"My dear Eloi... The day is not far when you will introduce me to your father that too by yourself."

"Are you challenging me?" She asked.

"Nope! I'm stating what is going to happen soon." I winked.

"Since when did you become a fortune-teller?" She asked. I inched my face closer to her whispered.

"A moment ago."

"Hey!" A hand that came between our faces broke our eye contact. "We're also here. Save these whisper talks for your private moments." Trish giggled. I chuckled when Eloise's face turned red.

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