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Eloise Nicole

Daniel is full of sweet surprises.

First, he surprised me by planning a family get together and second the most precious surprise he gave... by arranging the get-together in his family home.

"Why is the house bathing with lights, Daniel?" I asked as we stepped out of the car in front of his family house. It was a dinner party but I had no idea why the house was lit up with twinkle lights for a small event.

"Because I don't want it to be dark and dull anymore. It took me long enough to learn that the memories intact in this house should illuminate me and not depress me. Yes, it was painful. I was miserable after the tragic accident but I don't think my parents want this for me. So, yeah, it's a new start."

Pain. I felt it in his voice but I was glad to see him keep aside the unpleasant memories and rejoice the happy moments he had spent in this house. It must have been hard for him but he was doing it, for himself, for his family.

"I'm proud of you, Daniel," I said, looking at him with the admiration.

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me but before he could, a loud horn of the car made him drop his head on my shoulder.

"Wrong damn time." He breathed out. I laughed and patted his back.

"If your lovey-dovey session is over would you let us in?" Sean spoke, walking towards us.

"We don't need his permission to go inside, Sean," Xavier commented, walking towards us with Ariana and Amara.

"I shouldn't have invited you two," Daniel grumbled.

"But you're incomplete without us, Daniel babe."

Daniel ignored Sean's teasing comment and kissed Ariana's forehead and took Amara in his arms. "Welcome my queen." She giggled when he tickled her stomach. Amara squealed when she saw me.

Daniel gasped. "No way, Amara, when did this happen? You and Eloise? I thought you were possessive about me. I thought you were mine."

Daniel's fake hurt voice made Amara's face to drop. Her lower lip started to tremble.

"Stop it, Daniel. Aww, sweetheart, come here." I took her in my arms and showered kisses on her face. "Don't cry. I remember the day when I first met you. You didn't want to come to me but see now, we're best friends." I said in a baby voice, rocking her in my arms.

I looked at Ariana. "Can I please keep her in my arms for longer? I missed her so much." I requested.

"Of courses, you can." She replied, smiling.

Mom. Dad, Evan, Trish. Mr. and Mrs. Knight arrived a few minutes later then we all went inside. I received another surprise when I saw a large table for dinner placed in the middle of the garden and the place was decorated with flowers and lights.

"Daniel, don't you think you have done too much?" I asked him.

"Nope, Eloi. It's a special night and so the special arrangements."

I said nothing thinking it really was special. We all first went inside the house and talked for a while. Daniel introduced my parents to his parents. I saw a gleam in his eyes when he was talking to the portraits. I wish I had met his parents in real, I wanted to know them too. I wished they were here to see their son's success, to see how their son had grown in a loving and caring person. I wanted to praise Daniel before their eyes, I wanted to see their proud face when I talk about how well they raised their son. But I knew, we don't get everything we wish for.

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