But we're young (part two)-Rafe

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You felt your body quaking as you bit your nails anxiously. Your breathing was shallow and your palms grew sweaty.
Your heart was pounding so loud in your own ears, you were sure Rafe could hear it because he glanced over while driving. He grabbed your hand, pulling it away from your face, he interlaced his fingers with yours, and rested it on your bare thigh.

You glanced back and smiled quickly and nervously, before looking away again.
Rafe strokes his thumb over yours, he knew that always helped calm you down.

"It's going to be okay, no matter what it says." He stated looking down at the paper sack, sitting between the two of you.

Tears stung your eyes and you nodded slightly. You took your free arm and wrapped it around his, laying over on him still letting his hand rest on your thigh. You swallowed the lump in your throat and fought back tears.

After a few moment, y'all pulled up to the Cameron house at 10:30. It was usually pretty normal for you to be here most evenings. You both stepped out and headed inside, you looked over to see Rafe holding the bag under his arm.

He pushed the door open and you headed upstairs. You walked into his room. You sat on his bed, growing nauseous. You felt like you could faint. You couldn't fathom the thought of taking a pregnancy test.

Rafe tossed the bag on his bathroom vanity before coming and kneeling in front of you. He placed his hands on the sides of your neck. Looking into your eyes. Holding your gaze, he ran a hand through your hair.

You tried to look at the wall instead. You felt embarrassed and you didn't understand why. Tears began to spill over.

"Y/n, look at me."
He stated softly.
"Baby, look at me please."

You fluttered your eyes over to his gaze. You sniffled slightly and held your composure. You placed a hand on his, while he touched your neck.

"No matter what. I love you, okay? I don't care what this test says. I love you and I'm never leaving-"

"Don't promise me that, Rafe."
Your voice broke.
"You don't know that, you can't promise your future to me, I don't want you to resent me."
You cried.

"No, y/n."
He gripped your arms comfortingly.
"I want to spend my life with you. I can't change how I feel. I'm going to be here! Always."
He placed a kiss on your forehead, nose, and then your lips.

You nodded wrapping your arms around him, holding him tight. Finally you arose, entering the bathroom. You close the door and proceeded to the bag.

You opened it, your hands shaking. You looked at the box through blurred vision. You opened the box, pulling out the wrapped contents and the instructions.

You glanced over the paper and you opened the wrapper. You followed the instructions and used the dropper to put three drops on the test.

"You okay?"
Rafe's voice sounded concerned.
"Did you do it?"

"I'm working on it..be out in a minute."
You replied.

The quaking stopped and the nauseous feeling subsided for a moment as you placed the box over the test so you couldn't see it. You washed your hands and set a timer on your phone and opened the door.

Rafe was standing in the doorway and you leaned against the vanity next to the test.

"So umm, like...what is it?"
He asked, raking his hands through his hair.

"I don't know yet..you have to wait a few minutes."
You stated smirking at him.

"Oh..okay, I'm kinda nervous.."
He said, as he laughed a little. Trying to break the awkward silence.

"You want to know what's weird?"
You asked quirking an eyebrow.

"What's that?"
He stepped closer, embracing you.

You leaned into it, taking in his scent. You felt calm, peaceful, and maybe some twinge of happiness??

"I'm not nervous anymore."
You said, looking up at him.

His smile warmed your heart.
"You're not?"
He stated in a mischievous tone.
"Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"
You asked.

"Do you want kids?"
He replied while swaying with you, his eyes held compassion.

"I'm mean, yeah. I just didn't really picture any right now."
You laughed while shrugging your shoulders.
"But yeah, I've always wanted a little mini me running around, something that's mine. That I can love and will love me, that I can care for.."

He looked down at you...smiling widely.
"Could I be apart of that life with you someday y/n?"
He asked, placing a kiss on your nose, raking one hand through your hair.

You looked deeply at him, you felt your stomach erupt with butterflies.
"I would love that."
You kissed his lips, slowly. Gripping his waist and pulling his body even closer against you.

His breathing heightened and his hands traveled down and rested on your lower back, above your butt.
Your kissing grew more aggressively and passionate. His hands traveled down to your thighs. You jumped and he caught you, picking you up and placing you on the counter.

You raked your hands through his hair, tugging at the ends slightly.
You both broke away when you heard the timer...

You glanced at him and at the box...
You hopped down and walked over, Rafe stood right behind you.

You took a deep breath, removing the box.
You picked up the test and held it closer..

"What's it say?"
Rafe asked kissing your shoulder and rubbing your arm.

Your eyes held the visual and you couldn't believe it... you turned around facing him.

"Baby, I'm pregnant."
You began to cry..but it wasn't tears of sadness..you felt scared and....excited??

Rafe's eyes mirror your own reaction, you saw fear and a bit of excitement in his eyes. He pulled you close quickly.

"I'm going to be a daddy?"
He voice quivering, as a tear threaten to spill over.

"Yes baby."
You cried into his chest.
You felt him crying too, his breathing was ridged and tears were falling.

He pulled away to look at you.
"I don't know how..but I will make a way, okay? You and our baby will always have what you need."
He kissed you.

"I love you Rafe!"
You pulled him close again.
"We just need you."

Just a quick imagine for the weekend! Vote and comment for a part three. Thank you all so much. Suggestions are welcomed! 🔥💚🤙🏼

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