Stay clean (Part three)-Rafe

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My head was pounding, my chest hurt, my ears rang. I had a deep sense of anxiety that resides in the pit of my stomach. I felt nauseous and uneasy.. it had been a week since I had spoken with Rafe, that night at Barry's. After Sarah had taken me home that night...I hadn't left. I felt depressed, lost, broken.

I hadn't seen him, I hadn't heard from him. I had talked to Topper but he told me Rafe didn't want me to see him like that. My heart broke...I just wanted to see him. I needed to see for myself if he was okay. My phone buzzed next to me, as I flipped through my clothes in my closet.

I picked out a T-shirt and my denim shorts as I walked to my dresser, looking at my phone screen.

Topp🤙🏼- y/n what r u doing rn?

I looked at it confused..but then typed a quick response.
Me- nothin, what's up?

Topp🤙🏼- get dressed, something's wrong with Rafe. Tell you when I get there.

Me- I'm ready when you are!

My stomach felt like it was in my throat. I stepped into the shorts, throwing in the shirt and running a brush through my hair. What if he overdosed? What if he's in trouble? What if he—
I had to stop my thought from running wild.

I grabbed my bag, glancing at the clock seeing the time...8pm. Time had went by unusually fast since I hadn't spoken with Rafe. I heard the horn of Topper's Jeep honk, I ran out the door, hopping in.

"What the heck is going on Top?"
I asked frantically.

He looked panicked and worried as sweat beaded on his forehead. He sped out of the driveway, throwing dirt and gravel.
"I don't know, he just called me, he was freaking out saying he was on the cut, him and Barry got into it, I heard a gun shot."

"What do you mean Topper?! A gunshot!"
I yelled, slapping him in the arm.
"We need to call the police!"

"No, y/n!"
He snatched my phone out of my hand,
"No cops! This is a drug dealer, he'll come after us!"

"Well what do we do?!"
I yelled, my voice cracking.

"I don't know, yet!"
He yelled back.

It felt like hours, the closer we got to the cut, the deeper my stomach sank. I needed to see him, I need to touch him. Please let him be okay..I prayed silently.

We pulled up at Barry's and my adrenaline skyrocketed. No one was there, it was empty. I looked over to see Rafe's bike by the house.
I jumped out of the Jeep, calling for Rafe.

I called.
"Rafe where are you?!"

Topper joined me in calling out, he ran inside as I looked around outside.
"Y/n! In here!"
He called.

I ran inside, it was a mess. Money was on the floor, furniture overturned. The TV was shattered. My heart raced. I ran into the back room, my eyes wandered over to Topped as he was in the floor bent over a body.

"What the he—, Rafe?!"
Topper yelled!
"What's going on?!"

"Nothing man.."
Rafe's voice was shakey.

His lip was busted, he sat with his knees against his chest, his arms hugging them tightly. Sweat covers his face and neck, his eyes were tear stained. His hair was tousled and his knuckles bruised and busted. His eyes glanced up at me. His eyes glanced over, looking me over, his lips began to quiver.

He whispered, tears threatening to spill over.
"Why did you bring her!"
He looked at Topper, yelling and pushing him away.
"She doesn't need to see me like this!"

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