Chapter 1

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Third PoV:

It was a Wednesday and everyone was at school.

Scott, Issac, Kira, Lydia, Malia, Stiles, Newt, and Minho were all in the same class. Coaches class.

Minho was stilling next to Kira. Issac, Scott, and Malia were stilling in the back row. Lydia is sitting next to Stiles. And Newt was sitting behind him.

Stiles like usual was spacing out but was having flashes of when he was captured by WCKD. He was shaking a little at the thought. He put his hand down underneath his desk and tried to reach for Newt. Stiles was panicking a little bit, he needed Newt more than ever.

Newt realized this and leaned forward on his desk so he could reach Stiles hand. Newt squeezed his hand to tell him he was there. And It worked he started to breath normally and stoped shaking. Stiles squeezed his hand back to tell him 'thank you'.

Lydia's PoV on this situation

I was just listening to Coach as he taught the class. Thats when I looked over at Stiles. He looks like he is staring off into space.

Thats when I see something, and so I think. 'Why is Stiles reaching for Newt's hand? They don't know each other. Wait a minute why does it look like Stiles is having a panic attack?' Then Newt realized this not even 30 seconds more like 10 seconds after Stiles put his hand down. He then moves to hold his hand.

'Why are they holding hands? Did Newt just squeeze his hand?' Thats when I saw Stiles calm down so fast. Faster then I have ever seen him calm down. Faster then whenever I tried to help him from a panic attack. Like Newt saved him form an almost huge panic attack. Stiles looks relaxed now. And then he squeezed back. I am so going to need to bring this up to the pack!

I thought they were going to release their hands from one another but they kept holding hands. The looked...content. It was like Newt knew exactly what was going on.

I look over to Issac and he looks at me with a questionable look. I look from him to Stiles telling him to look at him. Issac looks at Stiles and I follow his eyes right to his brother holding Stiles' hand. He looked so confused. He then whispered to Scott. Scott looked and was stunned.

Third PoV:

At Dereks loft

Scott, Lydia, Issac, Kira, Malia, Derek, Peter, Allison, Ethan, Aiden, Melissa McCall, Parrish, Noah Stilinski, Chris Argent, and Danny were all at the loft.

"Scott why did you call a pack meeting if Stiles isn't going to be here?" Noah questioned.

"Has Stiles ever hung out with Newt before?" Issac asks.

"No? Who the heck even is Newt?" Noah asks Issac.

"Newt is my twin brother. He finally came home from running away." Issac said.

"When did he come home?" Melissa asked.

"Just about 2 month's ago. Same time Stiles got back." Issac stated.

"Wait that's then My Twin Brother Minho came back home! But Minho and Newt hang out all the time." Kira said.

"Wait how does this relate to Stiles?" Peter asks.

"Well I think I saw Stiles almost have like a big panic attack. But that's when he reached under Newt's desk to get his attention. Not even 10 seconds later Newt moved so he could hold his hand. Once he squeezed Stiles' hand it was like Stiles immediately calmed down. If it wasn't for me they would have gotten away with it. But they kept holding hands. Newt was even using his thumb to draw circles on his hand." Lydia said looking at the group.

"What are you trying to say Lydia?" Malia starts. "That my ex-boyfriend is gay?"

"That would explain a lot but. How does he know Newt?" Danny asks the group.

"That's what we need to find out!" Issac started. "I can't imagine my brother dating someone like Stiles. Or being gay for that matter"

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