Chapter 5

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Third POV ~

Dereks Loft

"So Derek this is Newt and this is Minho." Scott says pointing to the boys.

"And why are they here?" Peter asks

"Well you Shank You suck at keeping the werewolf pack thing a secret!" Minho snaps.

"Wait you two know about the supernatural?" Issac asks.

"Yes Ok. It was Bloody easy! Scott throws you into a Bloody wall all the shuking time!" Newt says to Issac.

"How would you even know? You are never home! You are either with Minho or this 'Tommy' guy. Like who even is he." Issac yells at his brother.

"Tommy is a friend." Newt says crossing his arms.

"Alright fine be in the pack. I hope you are able to run the town and keep up." Derek says. This makes Newt's eyes go wide. He isn't a fast runner since he got his limp, that Issac has yet to realize. And Since he hasn't been running in a while It has been healing better. 

"The whole bloody town?" Newt asks in disbelief. 

"Yes okay? Stiles is a slow runner so you will be fine." Derek says as he walks out. 

"Alright guys let's  go!" Scott says as the pack runs out of the loft.

"Well let's go shanks!" Minho says to Stiles and Newt.

An Hour and a half Later in the middle of the woods~

Newt was struggling. He was in a bit of pain all at the same time. He Slowed to a stop as everyone, expect Stiles, kept running. Minho was close to the front with Kira so he wasn't there. 

"Newt?" Stiles asks Newt.

"Ya mate?" Newt asks looking up.

"Leg?" Stiles asks coming close to Newt and putting a hand on his cheek seeing tears in Newt's eyes.

"Yea. It bloody hurts like no other. I haven't gone on a run since well you know." Newt says looking into Stiles' eyes.

"Makes sense." Stiles starts. "Wanna get on my back?"

"Really?" Newt asks.

"Yeah why not! Anything for my boyfriend." Stiles says right before he kisses Newt passionately.

"Thanks Love." Newt says as he gets on his back. 

"Anything for you" Stiles says with a smile as he walks the way the pack ran.

An Hour later in-front  of Derek's Loft~

"Where are they?" Issac asks confused as why he doesn't see his brother.

"Newt's leg must have acted up." Minho says quietly only for Lydia to hear. Even with the werewolf hearing they weren't paying attention.

"They are probably making out." Malia says.

"Doubt that." Minho says knowing that they wouldn't be so reckless.

"How would you know?" Lydia asks. 

"Know what?" Minho asks Lydia.

"If Newt's Leg was acting up. And if they were making out!" Lydia tells Minho making everyone hear.

"What do you mean 'Newt's Leg acting up'?" Issac asks

"For being a brother, you suck at it." Minho tells them right as they see Stiles walking into view with Newt on his back laughing. 

"What the fuck is this?" Derek asks the two.

"Fuck off shank." Stiles says walking into the Loft with Newt still on his back. And Minho tries to Follow but Kira stops him.

"Minho? What was that about?" Kira asks him.

"Something only the three of us know." Minho says as he runs into the Loft. 

"Hey Newt you okay?" Minho says as he sees Stiles put Newt on the couch. 

"Ya Mate. Just the old stupid leg." Newt says with a laugh.

Newt then looks down to his leg and frowns. 

"I wish it would have just killed me." Newt says softly just as the pack walks in.

"If what killed you?" Issac asks with confusion. 

"Issac don't bother." Stiles says bringing a cup of water over to Newt.

"So what? It can't be that bad if you know about it, Stiles. You haven't even known him that long!" Issac yells.

"I know him better than you do!" Stiles screams  at him only for Minho to come in-front of him and calm him down.

"Issac Just leave it be." Newt says getting up and walks over to the kitchen to get some more water. Only for everyone to see him limp.

"N-Newt? Why do you have a Limp?" Lydia asks sweetly to the boy. 

"I don't want to talk about it..." Newt says first then says: "Hey Sti can you take me to Tommy's house ?"

"Newt I can take you! I want to meet this Tommy. Plus how does Stiles know him?" Issac asks.

"Long story." Stiles says walking to the door with Newt and right before they leave Minho runs out with them. 

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