Chapter 7

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Third PoV~

Derek's Loft Saturday:

Everyone was at Derek's loft for a get together.

Issac is talking to Newt. As he makes a weird drink.

Minho, Kira, and Scott are all talking.

Malia, Allison, Ethan, Aiden, Danny, and Lydia are all rambling about school.

Chris, Parrish, Noah, Derek, Peter, and Melissa are talking about the town.

But Stiles, Stiles is sitting on the couch looking down. He found Chuck's figure in his pocket. He keeps looking at it and looking at it.

"Hey what is up with Stiles?" Ethan asks his little group he is in.

"I have no idea. He looks upset. Hey Min!" Allison asks. Once Minho hears his name he walks over.

"Hey guys. Need something?" Minho asks.

"Look at Stiles. Why is he so upset? We think that you may know him the best." Danny states.

"Oh well I am not the one that knows him the best. Thats Newt." Minho says as he points towards Newt.

Newt had a drink in his hands as he walks over to Stiles. He sits on the couch and takes a sip then hands it to Stiles. Stiles takes it and drinks it.

"Do they do that offen?" Scott says behind Minho.

"Yep" Minho responds.

"Gally's recipe?" Stiles asks Newt.

"You know it, mate." Newt starts. "Thinking about Chuck?"

"Ya. I just found his figure. He was like a little brother to me." Stiles says as a tear comes down his face. He takes another sip big sip of the drink before:

"Okay, mate I think you have had enough of this." Newt says taking the drink that was 2/3ds empty.

"Really Newt? Did you really spike it this time?" Stiles says with a laugh.

Everyone was watching this interaction between them. But Noah's eyes widen at the sound of Newt spiking a drink.

But Newt and Stiles didn't care.

"Yes okay?" Newt says just as Stiles steals the drink again and chugs it.

"Stiles, you got to stop this." Newt whispers to him.

"Stiles you drink!?" Scott asks softly.

"Yes Scott! I drink. What do you think you do when you watch all your friends around you die!" Stiles yells.

That's when Minho steps forward: "Sti calm down."

"How could I Min? You were there too!" Stiles yells.

"Thats no reason to drink every time you get a panic attack about that." Newt says standing in-front of Stiles.

"Wait he drinks every time he gets a panic attack?!" Melissa yells questionably.

"Yes okay! What else am I supposed to do? Cry to someone?" Stoles says mockingly.

"At least cry to us. Or me! Sti we know what you went through. We went through it too!" Newt says as he puts his hands on his shoulders trying to calm him down.

"It will be okay." Newt says as Stiles puts his head on his shoulder and hugs him. Minho comes over to them and joins the hug.

"They really are there for each other." Chris says with a hand on his chin.

"Yes but why are they the only ones that are able to get through to them?" Issac questions.

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