Our bond (part 2)

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It wasn't until shortly before what poppy would later call their adventure that branch had finally put the real name to the bond. The grey troll had only done that because he had been forced to by the terrible pain in his heart he had been feeling that day.

As Branch laid in his bed panting from the pain radiating out from his heart he cursed the fact that fate had decided he should be soul bound mates with poppy of all trolls.

The pain he was feeling had not eased until later in that day, once it was at a level the grey troll could deal with he had gotten up got dressed and then headed out of the bunker to forage for food.

As Branch picked some berries from high up in a plant he heard giggling from below him and looked down. Poppy and creek were walking alongside together hand in hand, as soon as the grey troll set eyes on the couple the pain inside him flared and he winced.

Quickly Branch turned his gaze away from them hoping that they would just walk past him and that he could escape back to his home quickly.

Despite the fact that the blue eyes troll wasn't looking at them that didn't stop him being able to hear couple.

"So do I get another kiss now?"
Creek asked the troll at his side

Branch froze in the middle of gathering berries he needed because as soon as the purple troll said those words to poppy Branch knew exactly why he had been in pain earlier in on.

Quickly the grey troll stashed the berry he was holding into his backpack which was on the leaf beside him and held back the screams that wanted to escape his mouth.

The pain he was feeling at the moment was unbearable and his suspicion about his earlier pain were proven right.

He prayed that there kiss would be over soon....

After some time passed the grey troll felt the pain ease to its normal ground level and he knew from this that the couple had finished their kiss. Still unsure if they were going to kiss again and not wanting to be seen if the pain flared up again.

Branch didn't move until he was sure they were gone. Carefully the blue eyes troll got to his feet he picked up his backpack put it on and made his way back to his bunker as he mentally started cursing soulmate bonds his
whole way there.

When poppy had left him in the bunker the first time there to go after her friends and save them from the evil chef Bergen Branch had felt a stab of pain and concern for her but he had refused to weaken and go after the other troll.

when the princess had left and returned with the entire village and then left once again but this time for good Branch at first had been determined not to go after her and get eaten by a Bergen.

But only a short while after poppy had left on her quest Branch felt a feeling of dread sweep over him and after years of experience with their bond the grey troll knew this was never a good thing.

Quickly the grey troll gathered up what he would need for the journey before packing into his backpack and then leaving the bunker to set off after poppy.

Branch followed the pull of their bond, when he found her in a spider web cocoon the grey troll almost had a heart attack, he couldn't believe the princess was in. There were times when the grey troll wondered how the one he was soul bound mates with was still alive.

Despite the fact that he had lost the one he was bound to by Creek he still felt an overwhelming instinct to protect and save poppy and did so as he always did.

Once the pink troll was safe from the trouble she gotten herself Into , Branch had been quick to make excuses to her after years of hiding their bond it had become second nature to him to explain away his presence whenever she needed help with easy excuses or when necessary outright lies.

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