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Ok what up hoessss I mean AheM here's another S H I T T Y oneshot from me and it's going to be short OFC! Cause I'm flipping ✨lazy✨ it's going to be a small rewrite on what happened in trollstopia the last episode remember how Branch gives poppy the advice and all yeah and if for whatever reason you still haven't seen trollstopia cause your not normal Im gonna say this in the nicest way GO FUCKING WATCH IT!(jk i love you all💙)hahahaha but for real go watch it cause this is gonna be a spoiler

kinda but not much because this is not even really that close to what happened this is just the way I wanted it to be hehehehehehehe ok I'll let y'all read this corny shit


Branch was waiting in line for his favorite band Bad hair day he had asked demo to help him dress appropriate for the concert which of course demo had no problem doing that he was actually pretty shocked to see how Branch had come out

He was wearing a leather jacket leaving it open with leather pants and high shoes with his hair going everywhere on top if he didn't know better he would think he was one of the rock tribes.

He had no aspect of being a pop troll but he was

Branch had planned on going to the concert two hours early so he could be the first in line.

He couldn't wait he hadn't been this excited for a band then the last time poppy's dad played in the band the HUGS

He smiled seeing the rock troll opening the entrance to let everyone in but then that's when he heard screams

All too familiar

What's that? He thought and his eye widen at the sight of the pink queen falling to the ground with a loud oof

He quickly with no hesitation ran to the pink queens side

"POPPY!" He yelled

He quickly help her off the ground off the ground and went on his knees as he made eye contact with the pretty troll

"Are you okay?"

"No Branch! Petra took Val and I know she talking her into moving away!" Poppy said with a worried face

Branch looked at her with a confused face she was worried about Val?! What about herself?!

"No I meant are you okay from the explosion!" Branch said as he looked into poppy eyes. She was so selfless when it came to helping her friends that she couldn't see she was hurting herself in the process.

He loved the pink troll to death but she was to oblivious to what was happening around  her. She tried to bribe the rock troll standing in front of the line for VIP passes by giving him their favorite cupcakes only to be blasted herself do to the fact that the cupcakes explode

"What am I gonna do Branch?!" The queen said with a frantic expression
He looked into her eyes seeing the last hope she had demolishing away he knew what he had to do

He took a deep breath in and sighed

"Poppy look" Branch said as he looked at poppy with a determined face

The queen looked into his eyes his beautiful
Blue eyes she could get lost for days in

Branch's expression softened as he spoke the next part

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