Chapter 12

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Happy reading beautifuls...

"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love."

Author's p.o.v

Its been a week of Zarar's parents going on Umraah .

Miral was tired to death due to working 24/7.

Zarar managed to make this whole week a living hell for her.
He used to ask her to wash whole house or his whole cupboard. Sometimes to make cake late at night. Sometimes by asking her to make coffee or juice for him when she was washing dishes or doing any other work. Even when she sleeps he doesn't let her in peace. He wakes her up and ask her simply to stay awake cause he is working and it makes him sleepy too.

Miral was on the verge of falling but but again and again she used to compose herself.

On the other hand Zarar was now beyond worry cause she left arguing.
Whatever he asks her to go she does it without any argue and showing tantrums.

He was missing her feisty self.
He was tensed thinking that is the okay? It she lost her mind? Memory? Something like that!

It was a pleasant Sunday.
Miral was washing dishes when Zarar came in kitchen.

Her duplata was yjed in a knot in a cross to her shoulders.

"Miral!! "
She only hummed in reply.

"I am in  launch make me tea."
He said and left.

Miral sighed and started making tea.

She took cup of tea and placed it in tray making her ways towards launch.

She said getting Zarar's attention.

He nodded and took cup closer to his lips.

"What the hell... this much sugar?"
He spat tea out and shouted.

Miral looked at him shocked.

"I pour same amount of sugar as before!! "
She said lowly.

"Make another one!!"
He commander and get back to reading newspaper.

Miral sighed and went back to kitchen.

"Today I will make you realize that you shouldn't obey everyone this solemnly. You should have stopped me. I am missing your feisty and fighting side."
He smiled to himself and again got engrossed in reading newspaper.

With pinning head Miral made another tea for him.

"O my Allah Miral!! What had happened to You? This much salt?"
He spat tea out as soon as he sipped on it.

Miral looked at him dumbstruck.

"Make me another one!"
He threw tea in dustbin and commanded her.

Miral again made tea and gave it to Zarar.

"Put it aside I will drink later!"
Miral put tray aside and went to wash remaining  dishes.

It was after almost 20 minutes of Miral giving tea to Zarar and going back to kitchen when she heard Zarar calling her.

She didn't even want to stand and here he was making her work this much.

She threw spoon in basin and went towards launch tapping her feet on floor frustratingly.

"What do you want now?"
She shouted as soon as she approached him.

Her Dreams!!! ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें