Chapter 20 (last)

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Happy reading beautifuls...

"True love has no ending!!"

Author's p.o.v

Its been two days to that bombastic decision of dadi since then Miral was not giving him proper attention as she used to give and that was annoying Zarar to hell.

Whenever he tries to get closer to her she used to backoff saying 'Don't spoil your habits Zarar! After some days I won't be here. Then you will feel lonely".

"Little did she know how lonely I still feel by her such antics."
Zarar mumbled looking at ceiling.

He was sitting in his office whole perplexed.

Just then his eyes landed on his phone and whole events of that day when he scolded his secretary because of Miral and how Miral destroyed his peace projected in front of him making him smile.

There was something in his heart which he was unable to understand and say.

Whatever that was but was so unclear and so blurry.

He sighed and took a file from the pile placed on his table.

From past 2 days he was unable to concentrate and that was resulting as increase in no of files on his table.

Shrugging off all the thoughts he started reading files one by one.


"Yawrrr Dadi!!! "
Miral whined stomping in dadi's room.

"What happened??"
Dadi jan who was reading an Islamic book asked shocked .

"Yawr Dadi!!!"
Miral sat on bed infront of dadi with a thud whining.

"Yes my girl?"
Dadi asked lovingly.

"Its been 2 days and there is No Change!!"
She stated or more shouted.

" So?"

" So?? I guess this plan won't work."
She cried.

"Come on! It's been just 2 days not 2 years. Have some patience. He will surely respond."
Dadi shrugged.

Miral looked at her with sad puppy face and dragged herself towards garden after nodding.

Dialing a number she put phone bear her ear and sat on bench placed at the corner of garden.

On 2nd ring someone received the call.

"Assalam o alikum Meruu!! How are you?"
A cheerful voice erupted from other side of phone.

"Walikum salam I am all good. How you are and Rehab bhai?"

"I am fine Alhundulilah and Rehab? He is super good and why not he be when he has me to disturb all the day. Idiot!!!"
Tooba whined and Miral laughed hard.

"Anyways How's your story going? Did Zarar bhai did something?"

"No yar!! He doesn't even say anything."

"Why? Do you keep his lips locked aham aham?"

"Shut up!! It's not your Khan villa where atmosphere will be romantic and sizzling 24/7."
Miral rolled eyes.

"Well this Khan villa's atmosphere seems like zoo more than what you think."
Tooba said.

"Well that's fun!!"

Miral whined after talking for sometime.

"What happened? Tell me straight away. I know something is bothering you. Spill now!!"
Tooba ordered.

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