Chapter 1

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I woke up feeling confused. No...confused isn't the right word, I was feeling strange.
My eyes were still shut and I could hear a voice call my name. It was a stern, yet gentle voice. I slowly opened my eyelids, even though they felt extremely heavy.
"Hello? Kokichi? Hello?"
I looked up to see an avocado-haired boy in a desk in front of me. It looked like I was in a modern office. I glanced around wondering where I was. There were no windows so I couldn't tell what time it was. It also seemed as if I was underground.
"Huh? What's going on?" I said yawning. The boy looked at me confused. He was wearing a black suit while I was wearing my usual 'Supreme Leader outfit.'
"Kokichi don't you remember? You had an interview two days ago with us and today is your first day on the job? We were just going over the rules and then you dozed off." replied the boy. Suddenly, all the memories came flooding back to me. I had applied for a position to work at The Conundrum Corporation, which was a company that spread hope to the world. Their work was simple. Speak to the Hope-Lies, these monsters that could kill you anytime, and gain hope fragments. After, the hope fragments would be sent of to the world- giving hope to the people who need it the most. Many people want to work at The Conundrum Corporation and the most supreme are hired, but it isn't all daises and roses here. Each Hope-Lie reacts differently to each person and conversation and if you happen to disappoint the Hope-Lie, they kill you. I know it sounds brutal.  Fun fact: Each apartment will start with 50 people a day and end up with 25 at the end of the working day. The people who stay the longest and the people who do good work get promoted.
That's all I knew about the corporation as they were very private about what goes on in there.

"Kokichi?" the boy repeated my name again angrily. I looked at him and smiled.
"Sorrrry to keep you waiting! I was just thinking about a plan to attack the Corporation!" I lied. Lying was my hobby and my Ultimate was "The Ultimate Supreme Leader" as I ran an evil organisation for 10,000 people which I still do run, but I got bored.
"A-anyways, I'm Rantaro Amami and I'm in charge of the Control Team. Then we have Tenko Chabashira in charge of the Security Team and Maki Harukawa in charge of the Training Team. The final two are, the information team ran by Shuichi Saihara and the Welfare Team ran by Korekiyo Shinguji. You might also see around Miu Iruma who is our inventor." Rantaro explained.
I just nodded as it was a lot to take in. I remember applying for the Information Team ran by Shuichi Saihara.
Rantaro continued, "You will be working in The Information Team as requested. At the start of the day, you will get a list of all the Hope-Lies that you need to talk to. As you are new, you are not allowed to choose who you get to talk to, however, that will change if you last a week."
"Of course I'll last a week!" I snapped. "I am the Ultimate Supreme Leader after all!"
Rantaro gave me a gentle nod and then handed me some papers. "Another thing, this building is situated underground, but I'm sure you already know that. We provide accommodation for all of our employees and don't worry all the rooms are clean."
I had a look at where I was staying. I didn't need the accommodation, but in the documents it says that 'Hope-Lies tend to get attached to specific workers and follow them so we provide accommodation for all our employees.' I guess that's a stable reason but I don't care either way.
"Great. I think I'll need to apologise in advance if the room is covered in panta. Sorry!" I laughed. He had a concerted and worried look on his face. How I loved to tease people.

After talking a bit more to the worried boy, he led me to my room. It was almost like a huge underground hotel. It was fascinating.
"This is where you'll be staying, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask." Rantaro said.
"Mkay!" I exclaimed. This was going to be fun.
T—- ——- — —-.

The Conundrum Corporation |OumasaiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora