Chapter 16

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Hajime and Nagito had to leave soon after. We said our goodbyes and Byakuya escorted them out. Now that I think about it, it's been so long since I've been anywhere outside the corporation. It would be nice to go back to see my old school or to see DICE. I looked over at Shuichi-who I was now dating. Of course, Shuichi did make a valid point that we didn't know each other well so we should take things slow. I do agree with him though.
"Well, I'm going to my room. It's late and I need to go to bed," I stood up and smiled.
"Goodnight," Shuichi nodded.
"Night Shumai," I replied and skipped off to my room. I closed my eyes for a second while I was skipping- just for a second-and I somehow managed to bump into someone.
"What the-" I yelled as I smacked into them. I am probably five steps away from my room and I bump into someone...again. How many times has this happened even? I rubbed my head and looked up.
"I-I'm so s-sorry! I-I should've looked at w-where I was going!" she squealed. That's the same girl that I bumped into earlier. I frowned.
"You again!" I grumbled. She looked confused.
"H-have we met b-before?" she stuttered.
"Whatever," I mumbled. I glanced at the floor to see some medical equipment had dropped. Who was this girl?
"You're probably not wondering b-but I'm Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse. I just s-started working here," she whispered. I picked up a box that was filled with syringes.
"Here," I sighed. She took the box and smiled sheepishly.
"Th-thank you!" she yelled and then ran off. What was she doing with those syringes? Meh, not my problem.

I fell asleep and woke up due to the blazing sound of my alarm. Another day, another mystery. I suppose that's how my days have become. I took a quick shower and headed down to the cafeteria for breakfast. Shuichi was sitting down and surprisingly at a different table.
"Hi Shumai, what's up?" I smiled.
"Hi Kokichi, nothing much. What about you?" he replied. I took a seat next to him.
"Actually, guess what? I bumped into this girl twice yesterday. It was the worst. Apparently, she is the Ultimate Nurse and works here," I sighed.
"Ultimate Nurse? I am pretty sure Korekiyo told me about her," Shumai muttered.
"Why is she here?" I questioned while taking a bite of my croissant. Shuichi had already put out some breakfast for us. He had gotten an omelette for himself and got me some croissants.
"I don't really know. She is just here to help us out, health wise," he explained briefly.
"I bet you there is more to that!" I yelled.
"Doubt it," he laughed. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on Rantaro. He was eating breakfast here for a change. He saw me looking at him and waved. I blinked a couple of times and forced a smile.
"Don't stare at him," Shuichi whispered.
"Yeah," I frowned. "Hey, so I guess I'm going to be working with the Hope-Lies today. Another thing, you know where Yuri was taken right? I want to get her out."
Shuichi nearly spat out his coffee.
"I can get us in but it will be hard," he replied.
"Will you get fired?" I questioned.
"Not if we're quiet about it," he smiled. We were going to have to be sneaky if we wanted to go to the Isolation section. I nodded and continued to eat my breakfast. Once I had finished, I decided that I should start working. I got up and smiled at Shuichi.
"Gotta go now Shu. Byeee!" I waved and walked off.
"Bye," he smiled while holding a cup of coffee.

I went over to one of the Hope-Lies that I hadn't really interacted with for a while. She was a musician but I never got her name. It was one of the first Hope-Lies I had met. I unlocked her door and went in.
"Hi!" I exclaimed. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.
"What do you want? I'm trying to listen to music," she sighed.
"Hmph, so what's been going on these days? Doing anything interesting?" I asked. She lowered her music on the radio that was neatly placed on her bedside table.
"Well, one of the leaders recently gave me a violin so I've been practicing that," she replied.
"Coooool. Can you play me a song?" I questioned.
"No," she muttered. I rolled my eyes, I was just trying to make conversation.
"Actually, can you do me a favour? I'll give you extra Hope Fragments," she insisted.
"Sure, not that I need the extra fragments," I sighed. I'm just sorta bored.
"Can you go and get me a glass of water?" she requested.
"You seriously want a glass of water?" I frowned.
"Yeah, I am thirsty and it's your job to monitor my health," she grumbled. "If I don't have water, my health will deteriorate."
"Fine," I replied and walked out of the room. I walked down the hallway and sighed. Why am I even doing this? She could have just waited until lunch.

"Eeeek! Out of the way! I am so s-sorry" a familiar voice yelled behind me. I was walking slowly while carrying the glass of water as I knew it would spill any minute. I guess I shouldn't have filled the glass up to the top with water. I turned around at the last minute and- bam. The water spilled everywhere and I heard the glass clink on the floor. I felt a sharp pain on my arm. Almost like a prick. Yet, I can't be so sure. I stood up immediately despite the pain in my arm and glared at Mikan.
"Y-you again," Mikan sighed.
"What is wrong with you? This is the third time you've bumped into me!" I shouted.
"To be honest, she is bumping into everyone," a voice next to her sighed. I couldn't exactly see the person as my vision was blurry. I blinked a couple of times so that it got clearer. The none other than Rantaro was standing next to her.
"Rantaro," I muttered. I looked at my arm and started to feel drowsy. Very drowsy. Too stay...awake.

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