chapter 4- fail

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thank u next- ariana grande

this chapter is dedicated to the person (people) reading in the UK right now. comment so i know who you are <3333


Monday morning started the last week of school. It was full of exams, final projects, pep rallies, and lots of gossip.

The word that the Harding's were moving back had traveled fast around our small town. The entire school was buzzing with gossip like this was the biggest event in the world. By the time Layla and I were walking down the hallway, all eyes were on us.

'Do you think they know?'

'Did Hope and Connor date?'

'Oh my God, he's so hot.'

'I cannot wait to hook up with him.'

Layla was not excited about all of the gossip. She loved hearing about everyone else's drama, but as soon as she became the center of attention, she hated it.

"Why are they looking at us?" She whined. Layla had a grim expression on her face as she threw her head against the locker, next to mine. Her eyebrows were scrunched together and her lips were pouting.

"Because we're pretty," I joked. I was trying as hard as I could to act like the gossip wasn't stressing me out.

"That's so funny Hope," she rolled her eyes as she sarcastically laughed "You should consider becoming a comedian."

While the joke may not have been Saturday Night Live material, it brought a smile to both of our faces. Denial was the only thing keeping me sane, as I anxiously awaited Connor's return.

"I'll see you at lunch," I spoke as the bell rang, "Oh, and Lay? Keep your head up only five more days left."

"Five more days," she groaned. I watched her blend into the crowds of students before I turned down the hall.

Math had always been my least favorite subject. Growing up, I had never been good at it, and I still wasn't great. Connor had been the mathematician between the two of us. He would come over after school every day and help me with my homework for hours. But just as things were getting hard, he left. I hadn't had an A in math since.

This year I had struggled in math. All semester I barely scraped by with a C, and by the grace of God (and extra credit): I raised it to a low B. I had never worked so hard in a class before, and I was in utter disbelief at how hard it was for my grade to recover from my poor math skills.

Today I would be taking my last math exam until college; hopefully. Thankfully I had gotten enough credits so that my senior year would be math free. Thank God. The only issue was that if I didn't pass the exam today, I would be sitting here again in the fall. Nobody wanted that.

As my teacher passed the papers out, she squeezed my shoulder, "You've got this," She didn't want me in her class again either. I didn't blame her.

The continuous ticking of the clock stressed me out the entire class period. Not to mention that I could feel all of my classmates staring at me. All I wanted to do was pass my exam, but as the bell rang, I still had over a page left to do.

"Mrs. Young," I sighed, "I tried. I really tried."

"I know. Let's not worry about it shall, we? I'm sure you did great." Her grey hair shined in the sunlight that seeped in through the window. She had tried her hardest to teach me all semester but I just couldn't understand calculus.

"I'll see you in the fall." I hiked my backpack up and walked out of her classroom. My mood was substantially worse now. There was no way I passed that test.

"Oh, let's hope not, Hope." Mrs. Young grumbled. Gee thanks.

The hallways were mainly empty since the bell to second period had rung a couple of minutes prior, but I was in no rush. I had study hall next, and there was never a teacher in the library to watch us.

My fingers traced over the exposed brick of the hallways and, my head tipped back. Fuck. I just failed math. Again.

All of a sudden, arms circled around my waist.

"Good morning," a voice sang. I turned around and forced a smile on my face.

"Hi, Jack." His dark golden skin poked out from underneath his t-shirt, and his brown curls were still wet from his shower this morning. My boy.

"How's my beautiful girlfriend this morning?" He kissed my lips.

"Well," I put my arms around his neck and kissed him again, "Just failed my math exam, but I'm much better now."

"Oh yeah?"


"Want me to fail my exam too? We can be failure buddies."

"You think you can pass?" I laughed. Jack was just as bad as I was in math, if not worse. It was like the blind leading the blind.

"Oh," he huffed, "No chance."

Jack was great. He always seemed to make me laugh and forget everything else that was happening. When we first met, I was shy and definitely not interested. All I wanted to do was hide away in my room and cry. I was utterly consumed by the darkness that had taken over me since Connor had left, but Jack, he made me see the light again. He made me realize that I was worth something. I was worth keeping.

"Well, since study hall won't help either of us, why don't we sneak off to my car." He kissed up and down my neck, something he knew would make me say yes.

"Very persuasive, Mr. Leigh."

"Thank you, Miss. Stryker. Glad you like my proposal."

Jack was the first boy that I had ever slept with. He had seen every part of my body and knew how to make me react. But as I sat in his car and he kissed up and down my body, all I could think about was that if Connor had been here, I wouldn't have failed my exam.

 But as I sat in his car and he kissed up and down my body, all I could think about was that if Connor had been here, I wouldn't have failed my exam

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