Chapter Two

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Dwayne Richardson- * Picture Of Amari's Outfit and What She Looks Like*

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked in the kitchen. There had to be a women in the house cause it smelled like pure Heaven and it aint never smelled like that before. I got out of the bed and allowed my feet to meet with the grey plush carpet the covered the floor of my master bedroom. The first thing I did was brush my teeth cause no bitch like a nigga with stank breath. I didn't bother putting on a shirt but I did put on a pair of red sweat pants and proceeded towards the kitchen where the good smelling food was coming from. When I walked into the kitchen I caught a eye full of what I had brought home last night after the club. She wore nothing but a tshirt that she must've took from my drawer when I was sleeping. Her hair was in a high messy bun and her hips swayed to the music she was playing. I sat quietly and enjoyed the view. She turned around and noticed I had been watching her the whole time and her light skin turned a light shade of red. I couldn't remember her name but I do remember that it started with an T...I think it was Tina or Tatianna or something like that. Shit just so I aint get caught up I was just going to call her sexiness. Sexiness or Tianna or maybe even Tameika placed my plate in front of me and smiled as I nodded because of the wonderful peice of bacon I just had placed into my mouth. I scrolled through my phone while she went upstairs and took a shower. I found myself smiling as I looked at the name that was sitting in my recent phone calls. Amari. The beautiful girl from Buffalo Wild Wings.

Good Morning beautiful-

As I waited for a text back and continued to eat my food Sexiness came back down the stairs with the same tshirt on and her jeans from last night. He hair was now down and I could tell that she had ut some kind of makeup on her face but that didn't matter she was still bad as fuck makeup or no makeup. Sexiness wrapped her arms around me and placed her face into the crook of my neck. I knew her ass was looking at my phone but I aint care. Amari's message popped up about ten minutes after I sent her my good morning message.

Good Morning- Amari aka Beautiful

"Who's that?" Sexiness asked with a slight attitude. Who the fuck did she think she was? She aint the main chick especially since she gave it up on the first night. How you expect to be cuffed if you go straight to the sex part? But ima be like Kermit and sip my tea cause that aint none of my damn business nor is it my problem.

"A-Mar-E" I said like she was illiterate or some shit

Sexiness or Tyresha or Tia sucked her teeth and muffed the back of my head "Just like the rest of em"

That's where I draw the line "Aye don't put yo damn hands on me ight"

"I'll do whatever the fuck I wanna do cause it seems like your doing the same" Sexiness was now named Crazy Bitch cause she had to be nuts! The bitch was talking like I didn't just meet her last night.

I scrunched my eyebrows together "Did you fall and bump yo head in the shower or something? Bitch I met you last night just in case you forgot...I brought you home we had sex and that was it...damn just cause you fixed me breakfast don't mean you my main! To be honest Ion even remember yo damn name" I laughed at myself which made Crazy Bitch even madder "You can go tho get yo shit and take yo ass home Crazy Bitch...Awe that's the name I made up for you since I couldn't figure your real one out"

Tamia or Tierra or maybe even Tori gave me the finger and began to leave "And my name is Tara dumb ass" I shook my head. That's what I get for bringing anything with a big ass and a smile home. I finished up the food Tara had made me and then I jumped into the shower. Today was going to be an easy one. All I have to do is go and collect my money and then I had the whole day to do whatever I felt like doing. I was going to take it easy tonight even tho it's Friday.

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