Chapter Three

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Changes Have Been Made! I began not liking the name Ace so I just changed it to Dwayne since that's the name of the man who I imagine is playing him. The last chapter said part one...well there are no parts anymore. This chapter will no longer be a part two. The picture in the link is of Drea.

Amari Harper

 I quietly closed the door behind me and placed my black heels on the floor where most of our shoes sat. I didn't want to wake Drea up considering it was one in the morning and I didn't want to hear what she had to say about the situation so I tried my best to keep it quiet. The house was dark except the light in the bathroom which we always kept on. I made my way to my and began to unzip my red dress. I grabbed my robe and hopped into the shower just to wash all of the makeup and stuff off of me before I laid down. While I stood in the shower all could think about was Dwayne and how nice he had been on our date tonight. His smile was implanted n my brain and no matter what I did my thoughts somehow seemed to drift back to him and the date that I just came from. Twenty minutes into me being in the shower I turned the water off wrapped my robe around me and made my way back into my room. I first lotion up and then I began looking through my closet for some night clothes. All I wanted was to go to sleep cause between going to class and going on this date I was over the top tired and drained to the max.

"So where are you coming from?" Her sudden question caused me to jump damn this girl is never sleep "It's one in the morning that's booty time who was getting the booty from you Miss thang!?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed a little "Now you know I ain't even like that...It was just a date and then we went to the Navy Pier and watche dthe fire works and then we just walked around and talked a little nothing major" I guess I was smiling just a little to much while I was talking about it because Drea had that 'Yeah fucking right' look on her face which caused me to laugh "What?! Why are you looking at me like that it's the truth" I wasn't lying. That's all it was...A date and that's it.

"So you didn't lose your virginity to him?"

I made a face that told her that her question was dumb as fuck "Now Drea you know that i'm waiting.."

"For the right one..I know I know" She finished my sentence because I said that so much. As a women I feel that your virginity is the most important thing that you can have because once it's gone it's gone and you don't want that experience to be the worst experience of your life. So I always made it clear that I was going to wait until marriage or until I find that one person that I know I will spend the rest of my life with "Well did you at least kiss on the first date?"

"Nope second date rule Drea you should know this" I slipped a pair of panties on under my robe and then I put on a pair of sweats and a white beater.

Drea and I have been friends since freshman year. We met at the auditions of our schools poms team she wasn't doing so good so she came up to me and asked me if I could help her with the dance. Of course I said yeah so Drea came over a few times just to go over the dance and once we both made it onto the team we became even closer. Being freshman's and in high school you go through your things with your friends. I gained friends and I lost friends and in the mist of it all Drea was always right there making sure she covered my back while I covered her front. She knows my deepest darkest secrets and I know hers and as long as were breathing I know and hope that we will always be this close "Damn Mari!...Did you at least tell him that he could take you out again?"

"Duh! Girl he is so fine you wouldn't believe it..Oh and he owns his own business at the age of twenty five" I was so excited that I now had my legs crossed and a huge smile spread across my face "He took me to this beautiful restaurant. It had the chandeliers hanging and valet parking girl something that I've never had before..I had a good time.." To be honest I couldn't remember the last time I had such a good time on a date. Dwayne so far is everything that I want in a man. He has a B grade in my book.

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