12 ᴥ Velio

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I knew I was searching for my place, and I knew in my heart that the Cullens could be a part of that - and truth-be-told I really wanted it to be my place, too. But I knew my life had been a puzzle of moving and searching, and I had neglected to find myself. Finding myself meant finding my place.

That being said, I knew my place wasn't here with a bunch of scary, graceful men.


"I don't think my life has been very sad," I disagreed.

Aro stared down at me, raising one arched eyebrow.

"You found your will through James?" He asked.

Thinking of him was one thing, but hearing his name was another. I tried to wince internally instead of showing him the pain his name caused.

"You watched them-" He pointed to Alice and Edward. "-tear him apart. The only real friend you've ever had. You threw that away for people you barely knew."

I felt like I was being lectured, like I was a little kid getting in trouble.

"What was it he called you?" Aro prodded, already knowing the answer.

"Don't do this," I mumbled, shutting myself off instinctively, even though he had already seen everything.

"Corrie," he cooed, dragging the nickname out.

It would hurt less to have Jane hit me again. The urge to double over and curl into a ball was through the roof, but I lifted my chin just slightly instead.

"That's right," I answered. My throat felt dry.

"But....that wasn't his nickname for you, was it? You told him about that nickname. Where did it come from, Corinna?" Aro asked,

"You know where," I hissed through my teeth.

"Does anyone else know?" He asked, bending down to try and catch my eye.

"I imagine Edward does now," I said, painfully aware of his talent.

"Why don't we share it with the others?" He smiled brightly. "Let's start with Bella. Bella what do you know about Corinna's family?"

"Her...She said her parents were doctors? That they might have known Carlisle," Bella furrowed her eyebrows together, thinking back months to when we first met.

"That was a lie, Bella," I sighed before Aro could say it. "I was an orphan."

"But you weren't alone." Aro pointed out.

I stepped back from him, shaking my head violently. I didn't realize where he was going with this until now. I should have, all of it was connected, but it wasn't until now that I realized what he wanted to get out of me.

"Look, I don't even need to be here, okay? Edward's alive, Bella's alive - it's your job to decide what to do with them. I'm done here." I turned around, fully aware that neither Demetri nor Felix were going to move from the doorway.

"Corrie, what's wrong? Let me help you." Aro's voice rose an octave as he mimicked the memories in my head.

I resisted the urge to send him a gesture as I walked away, but the sadness in my chest was taking over. Aro wasn't letting it go.

"The only person you had in the world: Sweet little Mikey."

I was in front of him in a second, right in his face. Only inches apart and nearly matching his height. He didn't move back, but I watched his eyes widen in suprise.

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