13 ᴥ Gossip

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We almost missed our flight but I was happy we stopped to find clothes that weren't ripped, tattered, and completely out of place. I pulled my legs up into my seat, ignoring the dirty look from the flight attendant. Alice and I sat together on one side of the aisle while Bella and Edward were practically inseparable on the other across from us. Edward and I were both in the aisle seat, but a foot apart.

"Bella, please sleep," Edward was murmuring to her.

I tried to give them their privacy but I was curious how he was going to handle it. She had spent months falling apart and losing herself just to run off and save him when he should have been saving her. It hurt, though, to think about it all. To think how heartbroken they both had been while I had been blindly falling for him.

"I don't want to waste any time. I know when we get back home you're going to leave again and I-" She started to ramble, cutting herself off. "I'll sleep when I'm home."

I glanced over at Alice, who I knew was listening after getting off the phone with Carlisle. We were both thinking the same thing, not to mention I was most definitely eavesdropping on her phonecall like I was doing with Edward and Bella's conversation. Arrangements were already being made.

We're staying. Even if you don't. The rest of us want to enjoy this place for a few more years.

I watched him nod just slightly, and I wondered what thoughts were being thrown at him from Alice.

"Bella, I know you have no reason to trust me, but I promise you I will never leave you again." He whispered.

I turned away from them to give them space. It was too much right now. I knew the more time passed and the more ways I kept myself busy, it would get easier. Edward had his qualities, but separating those qualities from romantic and emotional to friendly and familial would take a long time to be comfortable. But I liked Bella, in all honesty. She wasn't..much..but she was kind, and committed and I respected it.

Once she was one of us I thought it would be easier for everyone. I had to remember that despite our differences, I was the new girl, too.

It wasn't long until Bella's breathing slowed and Alice had zoned herself out into the future. I sighed, leaning my head back into my seat.

"I don't even know how to begin to apologize," Edward said as soon as I closed my eyes.

"I wish you had told me about her," I mumbled. "About all of it."

"I thought eventually I would just-"

"Magically fall in love with me? Move on from her?" I guessed sadly.

He raised his eyebrows, "I really did feel something for you, Corinna."

"You can't rebound from your mate." I looked over at him. "I just wish I wasn't so blind to it."

"Are you staying?" He asked, changing the subject.

I thought it over but I was already nodding my head before I answered out loud, "You guys have completely changed my life. I know there's been some...really shitty moments but-" I was laughing. "It's been nice to have a family."

He was laughing with me, but it had died down at my words.

"I had no idea...about.." He trailed off.

"I haven't thought about everything that happened in so long I guess it's easy to miss if you're snooping in my thoughts," I looked at him to make a point. "But I guess nothing get's by Aro."

"Not a damn thing," He laughed.

It was quiet again. This was something that hadn't happened in so long. We spent months trying to force this kind of happy, joking feeling between us. Our only mistake was trying to make it romantic. This felt natural.

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