Chapter 13 - A Hollow Hogwarts

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A/N: I was just thinking, I love that moment in Deathly Hallows when Harry tries to Accio Hagrid ahahahaha I mean I know it's a very intense moment and we think Hagrid might be dead but idk it just gets me every time


Dumbledore's reply arrived within the hour:

Dear Miss Winters,

I am sorry to hear you have been struggling and would be pleased to accommodate you for the remainder of the school break. Please ensure you notify the staff of the East Sussex Adolescent Foster Home of your new living arrangements.

Meet Professor Hagrid at the Three Broomsticks at 3 pm today and he will escort you to the castle.

I ask that you strictly remain within the castle walls until the school year begins as a limited number of staff are on the premises and your safety is, as always, of utmost importance.

Meals will be served during the usual times in the Great Hall. Professor Hagrid, Mr Filtch and Professor Sprout continue to reside at Hogwarts and I will be asking them to keep an eye out for you.

Thank you for informing me of your growing compulsion to perform magic. I intend to discuss this with you in more depth in the near future. Until that time, I am happy for you to practice magic within the castle (and within the bounds of normal school restrictions).

I trust you will do your best to adhere to the standard school rules during this time and use your common sense.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Dumbledore

A few Butterbeers later, Hagrid's huge figure sidled through the doors of the inn. He kindly offered to carry Asha's trunk on the fast-paced walk (or in his case, a gentle stroll) to the Hogwarts gates. However, as soon as they had set foot in the grounds Asha pulled out her wand and felt the familiar rushing sensation of magic as she caused the trunk to levitate along behind them.

"Man, I've missed magic so much!" Asha beamed.

"Ah yep, lots o' the students tend to come back to school desperate to be castin' spells again," replied Hagrid cheerfully. "S'pose it's a good thing - the break reignites their want to learn an' all that."

Unable to resist, Asha pointed her wand at a forty-five-degree angle and sent a fizzing jet of gold light into the cloudless sky ahead of them. It silently burst into a sphere of dazzling embers which slowly floated down towards the earth and vanished. It felt incredible to do magic again.

"Nice, I 'aven't seen that one before," said Hagrid, sounding impressed. Asha smiled.

"So how's you're break been so far, Hagrid?" she asked, "I suppose it's not much of a break for you since Gamekeeping duties don't really stop just because school does."

"Yeah I've been kept nice an' busy. Got lots o' big stuff comin' up this year! -Oh you'll know about it soon enough," Hagrid added in response to Asha's inquisitive look. "But it's always strange this time o' year, the school being so quiet 'n all. I always miss havin' students around."

Asha and Hagrid chatted happily on the walk up to the castle. Once outside the Entrance Hall, Hagrid pushed open the large wooden doors and held them for Asha.

"I'm sure you can find you're own way to your common room from here," chuckled Hagrid. "Dinner'll be at the usual time. But most o' the staff tend to 'ave it in their own private rooms this time o' year so don't be alarmed if sometimes it's just yourself who turns up. Oh, an' Dumbledore's asked me to keep an eye out for you - wants me to make sure you don't go wandering the grounds, all right?"

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