Chapter 20 - The First Task

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A/N: In celebration of reaching chapter TWENTY!! I added my favourite SS fanart above ^^ it's nice and simple but I think it does a really great job of capturing Rickman's essence. (I'm not sure who the original artist is to give credit sorry! 😬)


The 24th of November finally arrived. Asha met her friends in the Great Hall for lunch and flashed Cedric a small good luck smile before he was whisked off with the other Champions to prepare for the first task. The entire school was buzzing. Only half-listening to the chatter around her, Asha found her eyes wandering to Snape's empty seat. She guessed he must be helping prepare for the competition, much like many of the other professors.

Eager to find out what the task entailed, Asha and the large group of Hufflepuffs ate quickly before donning their beanies and scarfs and heading out of the castle. As they approached the stadium, Asha's stomach fluttered in nervous anticipation for Cedric. Had she been her usual self, she would've longed to be in the Champions' shoes. But in her exhausted, unstable state, she was grateful to only be spectating.

When at last the stands were full, Ludo Bagman announced the task. Dragons. Asha watched in awe as ten wizards struggled to lead a beautiful blue-grey Swedish Short-Snout into the centre of the enclosure where a clutch of eggs lay.

Cedric was up first. The crowd burst into cheers as he entered the enclosure. Asha couldn't bring herself to join in - Cedric's pale-green complexion was not helping to quell her concern for him.

Smoke furled from the dragon's nostrils as it swung around to face its opponent. It bared its teeth and a deep, reverberating growl emanated from its throat. Asha clenched her teeth as she identified the tell-tale signs that the dragon was preparing to breathe fire. For a few terrifying moments, it looked like Cedric was frozen to the spot. Suddenly, he dived to the side as a roaring jet of fire engulfed the spot he had been standing moments ago. A wave of heat radiated over the stands. The Short-Snout clawed at the rocky ground and sent another stream of flames in Cedric's direction. He lept out of the way, disappearing behind a large boulder.

For many minutes, Cedric did not reappear. The dragon prowled back to the clutch of eggs, snapping at the air in irritation. Asha watched silently, nervously fidgetting with the buttons of her coat. What was he doing? ... What would she have done? All of a sudden a large golden labrador burst out from behind the boulder and raced around the perimeter of the enclosure. The dragon roared, unfurling its wings and sending a surge of fire at the dog which, to the crowd's relief, missed.

While the eyes of everyone in the stadium were on the dog and the Short-Snout, Asha was staring intently in the other direction. Cedric was creeping over the jagged terrain towards the exposed nest of eggs. It was so risky. Asha willed the dragon not to turn around.

The labrador was cowering, tail between its legs, at the very end of the enclosure. To Asha's horror, she realised the Short-Snout would all too quickly realise that the dog was not a threat to its eggs. The dragon began to step backwards, returning to the nest at the centre of the enclosure. The crowd, having noticed Cedric's plan, had fallen deathly quiet. Only the deep rumble of the dragon's breath and the creaking of the stands could be heard.

Cedric was halfway to the clutch of eggs when the edge of his shoe caught a loose stone. Everything seemed to unfold in slow motion as Asha watched the stone drop off a small ledge and bounce along the rocky ground below. The noise echoed through the stadium. Every single member of the crowd held their breath. A split second later the dragon's head whipped around and its burning eyes honed in on Cedric. It let out an ear-splitting screech of rage as its powerful body twisted around to face him.

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