~ a quick update on updates ~

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Hylo friends, just a lil update for the few of you who are invested in this story (love you all ❤️)

Uni has finally finished for the year which means time to forget everything I learned about equimolar counterdiffusion and dive back into the imaginary worlds in my head 🥳

Starting next week you can expect updates on Tuesdays and Fridays :) Edit from future me: lmao this did not happen 😂

also fyi we've officially graduated from memes to cartoons in the chapter image

Bonus goss: the Haunting of Hill House is one of the greatest things I've ever watched so go do that if you haven't yet

Ooo also did everyone see the trailer for that Covid-23 movie? ... yikes

Bonus question if anyone made it this far: what's your favourite HP book vs movie? At the moment Deathly Hallows is my fav book (unpopular opinion maybe?) with Half-Blood coming in at a close second. Side note: I feel like people either love or 'hate' Order of the Phoenix. And Prisoner of Azzy is my favourite movie - I watched an analysis on the directing and stuff and Alfonso is 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Wishing you guys all the best ❤️ and an extra wee virtual hug for the Americans out there

- El x

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