chapter five

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The next day was pretty uneventful for Ophelia. Since it was a Saturday, she could chill out for the day. She didn't even have to stream, as she had already done so the previous night. 

During those hours, Ophelia thought about her soulmates. What they could be doing, what she could do to make meeting them in real life easier.

She wanted their first meeting to be organic. Even though she could technically tweet out 'hey @onedirection, my name is ophelia erin ross. you may know me... reach out soon!'. she didn't want to. She valued privacy and was not about to leak her full name, let alone her soulmates' identities. 

She wanted to do what her sisters did. They had shared dreams for a while, getting to know their soulmates. Then they planned together to meet in person, skating around the soulmate information block and thinking of new ways to word or imply personal information. 

When she felt as if she had been in bed for long enough that day, she texted Ranboo and asked him if he wanted to go for a walk to get some air. When she got the affirmative, she quickly got dressed and headed out for the day. 


After a long day of work, of wandering around Boston with Ranboo, Ophelia finally made her way home. She was excited to fall asleep and see the men of her dreams again.

She got a few hours of homework done in preparation for the new school week and messaged her friends for a while before deciding that it was a reasonable time to go to sleep.

As she rolled over and drifted off, she worried about them being able to find her. Although her first dream was just two nights ago, she was already impatient to meet them in person and call them hers, officially. 


This time, Ophelia appeared in a forest. Despite the fact that it was snowing and all Ophelia was wearing was an oversized college sweatshirt she stole from Chris, she didn't feel the cold. 'The perks of this being only a dream, I suppose...'

The boys appeared right in front of her this time, so she didn't have to look around for them. Immediately, she ran up and hugged each of them, saying hello.

"Missed you, love," said Harry, murmuring into her the top of her head. He had to lean down to hug her. 'I hate being short. Even Louis is like half a foot taller than me. And that is SAYING something'

"I missed you too," she said as she let Harry go. "It's weird. The first dream was only two nights ago but I feel as though it was years ago... that we've been talking for years."

48 hours ago she would never have imagined being in the same room as the men in front of her, much less cuddling with them. Now, especially after sharing something so personal as their marks, the barrier was gone. 

"Yeah, I get that," Louis said as he pulled her down with him. She sat cross-legged in between his legs with her back to him. She leaned into him, getting comfortable while the other boys sat down too. Louis hugged her to his body, not letting go.

"So. What'cha want to talk about?" Niall said as he rested his head on her lap, beating the others to that position. She smiled down at him began to run her fingers through his hair. Although it was an unpopular opinion in the fandom from what she could see, she really did prefer him brunet over blond. He hummed under her fingers, leaning into her touch and closing his eyes, relaxing further into her lap.

"I don't know. It's not like we can get too personal about me and I already know a lot about you guys," Ophelia replied.

"Every little tidbit helps though, Darling." Ophelia turned her head to Liam as he spoke, momentarily pausing her finger movements.

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