chapter ten

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Harry had never felt so nervous in his life. Not even for auditioning, or his concerts. This was his future. His love. He was about to meet his second soulmate, the last piece in the puzzle of his life.

He hadn't slept at all the previous night. He knew that if Louis wasn't the exact same way, he would be pissed. Louis had always been more concerned with Harry's health than his own. Even after almost eleven years together, Harry was still Louis' baby.

From the looks of the others, they hadn't slept much either. They had agreed to meet at Louis and Harry's place at around noon to make a more solid gameplan and catch up before heading over together at three.

Now stuffed into a black SUV together, Harry felt like he was twenty again, being hauled to and from venues and interviews with his best mates. They were so different now but still sat in their designated spots. Lou and Harry in the third row, cuddling with each other. Niall, Zayn, and Liam in the middle row just chatting. It was bittersweet how automatically they fell back into their respective roles.

When they finally pulled up to the Beachwood Cafe, Harry was shaking. The only thing keeping him grounded was Louis.

Walking in, Harry kept his grip on Louis' hand tight, not willing to let go. Right now, he wasn't worried about fans or the press. He needed this.

The cafe was basically empty other than two guys ordering and a brunette alone in a corner table. They approached cautiously, not wanting to draw attention to themselves.

As soon as they neared the mystery brunette, they knew it wasn't their little soulmate. Unfortunately, the girl noticed them and stood up.

"Oh gosh, you're One Direction?!" She exclaimed, walking towards them.

"Um," Niall hesitated, unsure what to say.

"We are but no pictures. We were just... looking for someone..." Liam assisted, trying to contain the situation.

"Yeah, I know. My sister Ophelia. She should be here any minute. The others are just running late." The brunette explained.


"Ophelia?" Louis choked out, taken aback.

"Yeah, your soulmate. O.E.R." She said, going back to the booth, the boys automatically following her. "My name is Cassandra, by the way... but you can call me Cass."

"I'm Harry... this is-" Harry started, but was interrupted by the two guys from earlier coming over to the table and sitting down next to Cass.

"Your drink, madam." Tom Holland said with a mocking bow. Timothée Chalamet snorted as he kissed his soulmate's cheek.

"The fuck?" Zayn muttered. Glancing at the other boys, Harry could see they were just as shocked by the new development as he was.

"These are my soulmates, Tom and Timmy. Boys, these are Lia's soulmates." Cass introduced before sipping her coffee.

After exchanging pleasantries and chatting for a bit, Harry felt a lot more confident with his position. He already knew Timothée and knew of Tom, so first impressions were going well so far.

Suddenly, the door opened, and in walked their soulmate. Ophelia. With Chris Evans, another brunette, and a few kids.

The boys instantly stood up and faced her, shocked at how beautiful she was in real life. They had found her!

Ophelia froze as soon as she saw her boys, her eyes darting back and forth between their five faces. Suddenly, she was running towards - no past them. Towards the bathroom.

At first, the boys are shocked. They go to follow, but Cass blocked them and said, "Let me."

The other brunette nods to them in acknowledgment before going to the counter. Chris Evans walks over to them and gestures them to all sit down. Seeing that this was a semi-private moment, Timothée and Tom went over and started talking to the kids, who hugged them immediately.

"Now. I don't think we need introductions, so let's just get straight to the point. Ophelia is like a daughter to me. I care about her so much, and as much as I want to block her from the rest of the world, you are what she wants. I respect that. However, if you boys hurt her in any way, you will have me to deal with. Understand?"

The boys all nodded blankly, shocked with these new developments.

"Good. Now. It's nice to meet all of you!"

"Likewise," Liam stated, still cautious.


In the bathroom, was bent over the sink, trying to catch her breath. When the door opened, she shot up, unprepared. Thankfully, it was only her sister.

"You good, Lia?"

"Yeah! Great! I just-" Lia started, but broke off. Her anxiety was overwhelming. "I can't do this. I- I thought I was ready, but-" She sunk down onto the floor, hugging her knees and trying to breathe.

"Hey breathe with me. In. Out. In. Out." After a while of this, Ophelia's breathing had evened out a lot. "I get it. It's different meeting them in real life."

Wordlessly, Ophelia nodded. "It just didn't hit me until I got here and saw them. I-" She cut herself off again, unsure what to do.

"Y'know... if you need me to, I can go tell them to leave. Set up a different meeting when you feel up to it."

"No! No... I- It's just everyone is there. Everyone."

"We came to make sure you were safe and to support you. You asked us to, Lia." Cassandra pointed out.

"I know... I just- I think this is something I need to do alone." Ophelia explained, biting her lips harshly.

Cassandra remained quiet for a moment, studying her baby sister, and considering the request. "Okay... I'll get the others and leave." She agreed, "But Lia. You need to promise you'll call if you need anything though. I'll be right here in a second if you need it."

"Thanks... Tell them I'll be out in a minute..." Ophelia said, hugging her sister tightly, before turning to the mirror and trying to fix her messy hair.

"Of course."

With that, Cassandra left the small bathroom. She gestured to her family that it was time to leave. Despite being visibly confused, they nodded and began to get ready to leave. Turning towards her baby sister's soulmates, she smiled comfortingly and said, "She'll be out in a minute. Sorry about all that."

With that, the family exited the cafe, leaving the boys alone to wait.

Wait for their Ophelia.


Last reminder. Though it should be obvious at this point there will be Larry included, but this book won't be Larry centric! Same for Dreamnotfound! It will be included, but it obviously won't be the central ship. 



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