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As soon as the words left Yoda's lips I felt tears stream down my face. It was no lie to anyone in the council that me and Obi-wan were together, the council knew nothing would stop us from loving each other and because they didn't want to lose such strong force wielders they allowed it. I quickly stood up and walked out of the room. I walked through the halls and covered my lips to hide back a sob. As soon as I saw Anakin the son left my lips. He quickly pulled me into a hug and held me tightly.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as he hugged me tightly.

I cried into his chest as held onto him. I could feel my heart breaking and I didn't know how to fix it. I could feel Obi-wan and I think that was what hurt worse. Feeling him trying to reach out to me, but him being gone.

When Ahsoka and Anakin led to find his killer I stayed to help watch over the Chancellor and Padmé. I had heard that they were going to attack and I knew I had to keep my head clear, but as soon as I saw his murder, I felt helpless. I knew I could do nothing to stop him, if I made a move towards him I risked turning to the dark side. I quickly got Padmé always and then left to help save the Chancellor.

I pushed all my anger for the man away and thought only of saving the Chancellor. As soon as I mad eat I saw two of them arrested. I saw the man who killed Obi-Wan talking to Anakin and frowned. Yoda walked up to me and sent me a small smile.

"Much to talk about we have." He said as he led me away.

He explained how it had been a lie and how Obi-wan hadn't been killed and how he was undercover. I felt relief wash over me and I slid down the wall.

"Strong you are. Many turned to the dark side with such losses." He said softly.

"I knew he wouldn't want me to... I knew no matter what... Obi-wan would never want me to lose my way." I said softly.

He nodded his head and walked away, leaving me alone. We soon left for the temple and I made my way to my quarters. I laid on my bed and let out a sigh. I silently waited for Obi-wan to arrive, knowing we had much to talk about. When I heard my door open it was late at night and I pretended to be asleep. I felt a dip in the bed and heard a sigh, that I knew all to familiar. I felt a hand brush some hair away from my face and opened my eyes to meet a pair of blue eyes. I moved my hand to his face and gently touched his beard.

"Obi." I whispered as I set up.

"I'm sorry." He said softly.

I quickly pulled him into a hug and cried into his shoulder.

"I thought I lost you." I whispered as I let out a sob.

He kissed my forehead and held me tightly. I soon pulled away and gently touched his face again. He sent me a small smile and I quickly captured his lips with mine.

"I love you." I whispered against his lips.

"And I love you." He said softly.

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