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The next morning was a rush, as I was rudely awakened 10 minutes before my alarm by Evan who thought it would be a good idea to roughly open my door and turn the lights on and off. 

"Ella wake up, it's time for school!" he shouted. Of course he wakes up early to do this to me. Typically, my brothers sleep in (sleep is important to all of us) but they would give anything to annoy me right when I wake up. 

"Leave me alone" I grumble from under the covers, turning onto my stomach. No way was I getting up-especially after staying up late on my phone last night. If they found out about that however, I would literally have no freedom.

"I'm warning you, you better get up right now." he says, I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not-what could he possibly do-

Suddenly the covers were pulled off my small body and...SLAP! I flinch from the sudden pain-he had just smacked my upper thigh. 

"Ow! What the hell is wrong with you!" I yell jolting up in my bed. I attempt to give him a menacing glare that my brothers somehow execute so well. 

"Don't make me do it again, now get up before I have to drag you out" he smirks. What I'd give to turn the tables for one day-just one day. 

"Oh and that glare is far from scary-you need to work on that" he laughs while exiting my room.

Jerk! Sighing, I stretch and check the time. 7am. School starts at 8. I blink away whatever sleep is left in my eyes and make my way to the bathroom. After freshening up, I decide to put on some mascara and do my eyebrows, finishing it off with some blush. My brothers hate it when I wear makeup but literally everyone I know is aloud to wear it-why can't I? 

It's a little cold this morning, so I put on a sweatshirt I stole from Brandon, he doesn't mind as much usually, and some leggings, pairing them with my Nike Air Force 1's.

After grabbing my backpack, I make my way downstairs to meet Cole and Evan. 

Surprisingly Cole was making breakfast while Evan sat on the counter on his phone. 

"Hey you're up, I made you breakfast" Cole said while handing me a plate of french toast and banana. 

I glance up at him and raise an eyebrow-I guess he was feeling bad for snitching. 

"Thanks Cole you didn't have to" I respond quietly taking the plate from his hands. 

Evan looks up from his phone, watching our exchange closely. "Where's my food?" he asks rudely. 

"Where's my food?" Cole mocks, "go make it yourself" he smirks while moving the pan to the sink to wash.

"Wow all she has to do is be a baby and cry and she gets whatever she wants, nicely played El" he taunts. He knows how embarrassed I am about that.

I quickly look up from my food, and give him a good glare for the second time, "you weren't supposed to know, that's why I didn't go to you." I whisper. Imagine if he saw me cry that day, he probably would have laughed in my face and never let me forget it. 

"Pathetic" he responds, his eyes staring directly at me. They can be extremely intimidating if they want to be.

Cole froze, and turned around to face us. Evan, shut the fuck up if you want food, next time don't waste your time trying to annoy her in the morning and make it yourself." he interjects. 

Now that caught me by surprise, my brothers always side against me-what did I do to him?!

Evan goes silent.  Glaring at Cole, he shoves me before leaving the kitchen.

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