You're. So. Dead.

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After my turn-around in the bathroom, the rest of the day flies by. I find myself trying to concentrate on my plan and how I'm going to pull it off,  but instead zoning out during my classes. 

When the end of the day rolls around I book it to my locker, swiftly shoving everything into my backpack and zipping it shut before heading out the doors towards the main office where Justin and Nathan are supposed to pick me up before heading off somewhere for work. 

As much as I dislike them, I'd much rather him over the others because the chances of bringing up the party are less likely. The party where I would be significantly underage, and leaving without consent to. The party my brothers will most likely already be attending. The party I agreed to simply because of revenge on Evan. Who's probably going to be there. Anxiety seizes my breathing, the more I think about it the more it sounds like a bad idea.

Shaking the fear from my mind, I arrive at the front desk and nod at the smiling lady before me.

"Ella! How are you holding up?" Mrs Dabney asks me. She and I share a burning hatred for my brothers, which benefits me in some way because she has sided with me on all the stunts they've pulled in the past. I need to ditch school and keep it on the down low? She's my woman.

"Hey Mrs. Dabney! I'm doing fine, how about you?" I reply, returning her smile.

"Oh pretty good, I heard your parents left on a trip. Bet your brothers were happy about that!" She jokes, shaking her head.

I sigh, "Yeah, they've definitely gotten away with a lot but time's passed by faster than I thought."

"I'm glad dear. Remind me, when are your parents returning again?" 

"In about a month. Hopefully my brothers don't come up with an excuse to have them gone longer. Nathan as the one in charge is like Disneyland for my brothers." I answer, realizing how much the double standards play out in my life.

"Speaking of Nathan..." Mrs. Dabney mumbles under her breath, eyeing someone behind me.

I whip around to catch my eldest brother enter the building, dressed in a suit and tie. He raises an eyebrow at us before cocking his head slightly to the side, signaling for me to follow.

I wave goodbye to Mrs. Dabney before following my brother to his car. Justin, to add to my confusion, is also in a suit with a tie hung loosely at his neck. Before I can even fully sit down, not to mention buckle myself in, Nathan speeds off towards the house. 

"Nathan, what the hell!" I gasp, quickly sitting down and grabbing the seat belt. 

"We called your phone but you didn't answer. What the fuck were you guys even talking about? I swear that woman has it out for us." He retorts. His muscles flex under his suit as I catch onto his impatient tone. 

Realizing this could go bad, fast, I tone down my voice before replying. "Nothing, she was just wondering when mom and dad come back. Have you even heard from them yet?" 

As much as they try to hide it, the expansion of their 6 consecutive businesses on this trip was a major opportunity for their career. My parents are extremely busy people, and on a trip this important it was likely they didn't have any time to call us and check in. I don't mind it, however, because they've been practically traveling my entire life leaving the boys to basically raise me.

"Dad called last night to talk to you, but you were already in bed." He was avoiding the question and answering with a vague response. Something was definitely up. 

"Justin? You good up there?" He had been silent this entire time. What the hell is going on?

He ignores my question, caring less about my concern, and I look of confusion flits over my expression.

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