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"ahh! i'm gonna see them again today at the sports festival! what if is awkward???" y/n whined and rolled back and forth sideways on katsuki's bed.

"that's our fault, dumbass. we're lucky they agreed to keep it a secret." he hissed while buttoning up his undershirt.

"you're right." y/n mused and raised her hands to the ceiling. "i guess you made some really good friends, huh?"

"they're not my fucking friends. stop pushing it." he shot her a glare.

"but you wouldn't hang out with people you hate."

"they're not complete fuck-ups. but i don't need friends when i have you."

"katsuki, i want you to have people you can trust besides me."

"who says? everything in my life is great right now."he grumbled and put on his blazer hastily. "i'm cooking breakfast, get dressed." he walked out of his room and y/n sighed.

why was he not listening to her? having someone to rely on his great but you need to have more than one opinion in your life besides your own. he needs friends to guide him because y/n won't always be right at his side. as much as they like to say it, he's training to be a hero with real responsibilities and lives on the line. y/n wanted to pursue her own passions. they'll be separated sometimes and that's okay. because they both know they'll be there for each other as much as they possibly can. but when katsuki is in a tough situation and when his main support is unable to help, he needs other people to lift him up still. y/n didn't understand why katsuki was so against making friends.

she put on casual clothes of her choice and trudged downstairs, saying hello to mitsuki and masaru with a smile.

"y/n, good morning." masaru waved.

"y/nnn! cheer extra loud for this bumbling idiot for us, okay? we'll be watching on tv!" mitsuki cheered.

"obviously!" y/n grinned and looked to katsuki who was eating cereal. "i said it before but you'd better win, dumbass!"

"that's a no-brainer. who the fuck do you think i am?" he smirked.

"number one!!" y/n pecked katsuki's lips and fixed cereal for herself.

"that doesn't fucking count gimme a real one."

"you're a gigantic spontaneously combustible baby." she pouted and gave him a real kiss.

"i'm ignoring that because i got the kiss." he hissed.

"sure," she smirked. "whatever you want to think."

(at the sports festival)

y/n sat in the front row just to be sure she could see katsuki. they got here earlier because he's a student, but really y/n and katsuki were so excited they had to go.

y/n's leg bounced as the seats filled up and it became increasingly louder as she waited for the event to start.

u.a's sports festival is more looked up to in the olympics, and with katsuki as a front runner, both him and y/n were pumped to watch it. katsuki had been training for the last two weeks for it, making y/n fight him, hike with him, run laps with him, and spot his gym equipment as well as training and studying with his classmates. they were both completely sure he would win. but y/n hoped just in case.

and after a long while of waiting, it finally started. people started cheering and classes started coming out of the tunnels. she looked around for katsuki, ignoring the cheers and yelling around her.

she spotted him, grumpily walking with his classmates, a few she recognized and stood up to cheer with the others. and then, he went up to the podium to speak after the other speakers for the other classes.

what? he never told her he was a speaker.

"all i wanna say is," he spoke clearly into the mic with a bored face. "i'm gonna win."


y/n started bursting out laughing during the silent shock of the crowd, eyes on her everywhere as she held her stomach and tears formed in her eyes. then they started booing him as he leapt off the platform, eyes on y/n with a smirk. "at least become a good stepping stone for me." he walked back to his class who stood in embarrassment at katsuki's declaration. she let out a quick cheer before everything continued again.

she watched the first challenge as katsuki got third place in the race. she frowned. she cheered for izuku in first place, but shouted at katsuki to get first next time. weird looks all around but y/n stuck by her word and cheered for katsuki with her whole heart.

the second challenge, katsuki teamed up with his not friends to collect points based on the places of the top 42 represented by headbands. and he still didn't get first.

there was one more round after a lunch break and y/n made her way to katsuki. he was sat rather dejectedly in a waiting room where she entered quietly.

"katsuki." she spoke. he grunted in response, not looking up. "you're number one, got it?"

"i fucking know that." he gripped his fist. "but what if i'm not?"

"you are." y/n sat beside him. "there's still one more round left and you finished top three in the other times. izuku had his turn, that kid todoroki had his turn, and now it's yours. you'll win katsuki."

"how can you say that for sure?" he choked.

"because i know you. you're more than powerful enough. there are no doubts in my mind that you can. but i also don't know your classmates." she cupped his cheek and turned his face to face hers. "i'd be happy if you lost doing your absolute best. that only means you can work harder. i know you wouldn't be happy, but you're still in your first year. the problem would be if you gave up. you told everyone you'd win, didn't you?"

"yeah," he whispered. "i fucking did!" he said louder. y/n laughed and kissed him briefly.

"let's go eat, babe. maybe you can invite your not friends too~"

"i want some spicy fucking food."

"you have to eat lightly, katsuki you still have a sports festival to win!"

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kinda didn't like this chapter:( i took me a long time to write because it was just super boring to me lmao

++we hit 100~ reads <3 tysm 🥺🥺

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