Chapter Four

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I blinked and the rising sun stung my eyes, I look around wearily, not knowing where I was for a second and then it all comes rushing back to me, Nox curls tighter around my kneeling form, having stayed with me the entire night. "Happy birthday, Val." Nox's gentle voice snaps me out of my trance, I slowly stand up, hissing as the rocks on the driveway slowly fall off my legs, leaving bloody cuts in their place.

Kneeling somewhere for half of a night is not something I intended to do, but I guess the pain and betrayal I felt over finding out that I was truly trapped here, shattered me. I have never felt more lost in my entire life or more certain of the path I had to take and the choices that would get me there, I was going to get out of here, I would be a prisoner no more. "Thanks, Nox." I gently stroke his head, feeling as if something had fundamentally changed inside of me, I was no longer the little girl that Mikhail had kept here with lies, I was an adult and I would be deciding my own fate from now on.

I slowly limp back towards the house, not feeling like using magic right now, after all it was most likely the reason that I was imprisoned here in the first place. I pause, blinking at the front door in shock, I moved much quicker than I should have been able to, given my limp, but when I look down a my legs that should be littered in small cuts and bruises, all I see is dried blood smears and it only takes a moment before those too seem to be absorbed into my skin.

I shake my head and sigh, knowing that my life would probably only get crazier after I left this place and experienced the real world, swinging the door open, I pause gazing around in shock at all the balloons everywhere. Clearly Dorthy had been worry decorating, she had gone overkill by a long shot, and by the smell of freshly baked pastries and other goodies coating the air, apparently so had Aengus. Both trying to make this day worthwhile even when Mikhail wasn't here. I walk into the dining room and the surprise that they clearly tried to hide was all to obvious before I even entered the room. "Happy Birthday!" They both yell while holding out a beautiful cake in front of me, the candles already lit.

"Is he here?" I knew he wasn't but just to make sure, I had to ask. Even that small question still held the small tinge of hope I had left, that he wouldn't break my promise. Their smiles crack and they both glance at each other, as if unsure of what to say.

"No, but I am sure he's just running late." Dorthy takes the initiative to lie to me first, but it doesn't last long because Aengus glares at her before turning away to look at me, his gaze softening.

"He's not coming, lass." I nod firmly, blinking rapidly as my eyes sting, but I give them a tight smile, before glancing down at the food set out on the table, a feast fit for twenty people, all of them my favourites.

"Thanks guys, um, I'm not really hungry right now, maybe later. I think I am just going to go to the practice room for a while." I turn around without of waiting for a response.

"But wait! What about your candles? You have to blow them out! It's bad luck not to." I sigh, turning around to glance back at the cake, Dorthy looking at me with hope, no doubt wanting to convince me to stay and eat food.

I wave my hand and the candles go out all at once, I give her a small smile and leave, heading to my practice room. I open the door and it feels oddly warm in here, all the candles are lit and it smells of incense, like the room had prepared itself for my arrival. Never before had I arrived to the room like that, it was always dark and cold, like the magic room wasn't active unless I was inside of it. I pass by the book, take the smallest glance to see if the book had flipped pages again, not really expecting it to have after the two spells I got the day before. I walk past it and then freeze, slowly back tracking I glance down at the book again, this time looking more firmly, the blank page that was present when I walked by slowly fills out under my watch, I watch as the ink billows over the page to form pictures and descriptions of the final spell left inside the book.

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