Chapter Nine

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After we had cleaned up the bar, I waited for Jim to start talking, unsure of what he was going to say, if he was going to kick me out, after all I had brought trouble to his door. "I'll leave if you need me to, I don't want to bring anymore trouble to your door then I already have." He drops the glass he was polishing, but I snag it out of the air before it can shatter across the floor.

"Why on earth would I want you to leave. This is the exact situation I knew I would have to deal with if I ever did open up a sanctuary. Though I understand if you want to leave to be with your own kind." I stare at him in shock in return, not understanding how he could think that after my display of kicking that witch out.

"Why would you think I wanted to go with them after I so violently refused her offer." He smiles grimly at me.

"I know what it is like to be an outcast, you've yet to even feel like what it is to be apart of a group, of a family that will protect you. Living alone without help or companionship is hard, I don't want that life for you." I sigh, knowing what he means but knowing what I have to say in return.

"That may be true, but I've never experienced that as you said, so I won't know what I'm missing. Besides I know that I don't want to be like her, selfish and uncaring about those around me, I don't want to be just friends with witches, or only be allowed to socialize within my own species, I want to be able to make my own family, out of people who truly deserve my loyalty based more on than just the genes we share making us apart of the same species. I'm not saying I'll never one day find a coven who I will join, but I know it won't be the Nightshade Coven, so for now, I'd like to stay here with you." He nods slowly as if he was still trying to process my answer.

"You may change your mind later, but I want you to know that if you end up choosing to go to them, I will understand, it is natural to want to be with your own kind." I open my mouth to protest but he raises a hand to silence me before continuing. "But understand that if you choose to make an enemy of them by refusing to be a part of their coven then they will come for you and you have to be ready kid, you have to be strong, because even I struggle against witches and next time, she won't be alone, next time she'll bring help and even you probably cant match the strength of multiple witches together." I nod, taking this seriously, knowing he is only trying to help.

"I don't want to be like her, I don't want to be apart of her coven, I want to stay here with you." I say it firmly, knowing now after listen to his words, that there wasn't a chance in hell of me going with them and leaving him alone again. "We can even build that sanctuary you always wanted, I have money of my own, and now that you don't have to pay the witches to keep the ward on your bar strong, you'll get your own money too." He smiles and pats my shoulder.

"Keep your money for now, kid. Let's wait until the dust settles before we make any big decisions like that." I frown at him, not understanding why he wasn't more excited, I had enough money to turn this place into a real sanctuary somewhere all supernaturals could come and feel at home, somewhere we didn't have to stay apart from each other even though we're a part of the same world. "I want you to understand the seriousness of this decision, I know you've been reading the book I gave you but it doesn't quite explain something that you should know, about how serious a threat the witches can be." I roll my eyes, already knowing that they are strong, but I'm stronger.

"I know that they're strong, but we'll be ready when they come back." He shakes his head and leaves me slightly confused, was he not going to be here when they come back.

"That's the thing, their magic isn't the only threat they bring. In this city and much of the world, other supernaturals rely on the witch's for essential services that we can't get anywhere else. Wards to guard werewolf land against intruders when they have no choice but to hunt on the full moon, glamour potions for the supernaturals that don't look remotely human, spells to keep humans away from places like this. No one will come to our aid, the witches will make sure of that, in fact they might even use those services as a weapon, forcing other creatures to come to their aid and attack us, they could even make it so no one comes here, so that I won't get any money. Spells for bad luck, potions to attract bug infestation, witches are the most powerful creatures out there. You, you're something special, I've never seen a witches eyes turn red when they are casting magic, they will covet the power you have and they will come to try to take it from you." I stumble slightly, not knowing if he was telling the truth.

"They can do that? Rip my magic away from me? But it's a part of me, to rip it away would, would..." He nods knowing the conclusion that I've come to.

"Kill you, yes. They are of the mentality that if you won't join them, then you are against them. This won't be as easy as a single battle, this will be a war, and you have to be prepared to go up against them." I nod firmly, knowing, hoping, that I could do this, that I could protect us.

"I will be prepared, and don't worry if they make it so no one will come to the bar, I have money, I will make sure we the bar doesn't suffer because of me." He smiles at me softly, ruffling my hair gently.

"Well, we're not quite there yet, Kid. But we'll see if it gets to that point." Ever the gentlemen, refusing to take any of my money even when I'm offering it freely because of the mess I am putting him in.

"Alright then, if you're sure. But don't think I won't bring this up again later because you know I will." He gives me a tight grin, his forehead furrowed as if he knows something I don't.

"Yeah, I know Kid. Go get some rest, you look exhausted." I nod slowly, though I pause suddenly remembering about the name thing.

"Hey, why did that guy call you Caius?" He nods, his face going stiff at the mention of the name.

"When you're a vampire, you change your name to keep up with the times and to keep your identity safe sometimes, Caius was a name I had a long time ago, I prefer Jim now." I take this information in carefully, understanding that he wasn't explaining everything to me right now, but knowing he had shared all he wanted to. I head to my bedroom, all the while wondering why the name Caius seemed so familiar.

It would come to me at some point I am sure. I flip open the book, only a few chapters into the massive tome. "We'll get through this won't we Nox." He opens his eyes from his curled up position at the foot of my bed.

"I said it before and I'll say it again, Val. As long as we're together, we can defeat anything." I run my fingers through his fur as I continue reading through the book.

'Brownies are small creatures, often half the size of the average human, looking similar to elf depictions, pale skin, long pointed ears, sharp teeth, black teeth, and a large nose. Though they are most well known for their limited magic, that is best used for cleaning. No creature can clean as well as a brownie. Their diet consists of one main ingredient in everything they eat, honey, if there is honey in it, they will eat it. They are most commonly slaves in richer fae or supernatural households, seen as lesser fae they are almost never free.' This was horrible, how could people still enslave other creatures during this day and age, if Jim ever allowed me to build the sanctuary, then I would buy brownies with the intention of setting them free or paying them for their work. I bet the Nightshade coven had many brownies enslaved under their care, just another reason not to join them, I didn't understand the elitist attitude I had seen so far of staying to your own species, what was wrong with being friendly to everyone, of seeing more of a person then just the way they looked or the type of creature they were.

"Never let me become like that lady, Nox." He doesn't even open his eyes to answer me, just speaks immediately and with utter confidence.

"I don't have to worry about that, because you could never be like that witch, Val, it's just not in your nature." I frown at his words, not sure if I agreed.

"You heard Jim, I'm something special, something not quite all witch. We don't know what is in my nature." He hits me in the arm with his tail, annoyed at my pessimistic comment.

"Go to sleep, Val. Everything will make more sense tomorrow after a good night's rest." I grumble at him, but it's cut off by a yawn, showing me that he was probably right, and a full night's sleep would do me some good, because we closed up the bar a bit early after the witch left, I could get a bit more sleep than I normally do, maybe rest would drive away the demons plaguing my mind.

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