Chapter Ten

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My body vibrates, I blink blurrily, unsure of what's happening as my bed vibrates beneath me, wait my bed doesn't move... Boom! I sit up immediately my head whipping around as I try to figure out where that sound was coming from. I get up from my bed, stumbling out of my room in my pajamas which consist of a baggy t-shirt and some shorts, not the best clothes to run to a mysterious loud noise in, but certainly not the worst.

I stumble forward and pause as the entire building trembles, I peel back the curtains blocking the sunlight from coming in on the bar door, the sun is so bright compared to the dim bar that it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, just in time to see a fire ball coming straight at my face. It's so close that I know I won't have a chance to move so I just stare at it with horror as it comes right up to the door and explodes, I flinch back expecting glass and fire to explode in my face, but it doesn't happen.

Instead a shimmering red light absorbs the hit, making me suddenly realize that there was a ward in place, protecting the bar. As the fire disappears a group of five witches is revealed, two standing with their backs towards the bar, projecting an illusion to the humans, so that none of them know what is happening right now. The other three stand in front of the bar in a triangle shape with bitch lady right in the center.

When I had imagined them retaliating over my refusal, I had pictured it a few days from now and oddly at night, with Jim by my side. Though I suppose that was exactly why they had attacked in the daytime, so that I would be alone, Jim being unable to go out into the daylight. "What are you going to do, Val?" I jump slightly as Nox's question startles me, I hadn't even realized he was beside me.

"What do you think I am going to do? I have to fight. Somehow I managed to either defend this place in my sleep or in my rage the other day when I told the bitch witch to get out of here I somehow accidently put up a ward making it so no one but someone who was inside the bar at the time, entry again. But it won't hold like a proper ward, this one will go down soon enough, I wasn't intending to use my magic like that and because of that the wards that did form are weak. See they are already losing strength, won't be long before they break entirely." The ward took another hit and it was already a dimmer shade of red, showing that it was losing power, that and it took longer to absorb the hit.

I turn around to quickly go get changed into better clothes while I still have time, but the sound of glass breaking alerts me to the ward failing, the resounding wave of energy hit me and I went flying across the room. Nox landing with an equally loud thump next to me, I hiss when I try to get up, feeling burns across my back. "Not so tough now are you, little girl." I groan as someone digs the heel of their shoe into my burned back, making me lie flat on the floor, little guess as to who it was pinning me down. Nox growls, his body beginning to vibrate but she tsks him. "Ah, ah, ah, one wrong move familiar and your master will have more to worry about than a burnt back, hmm what about a punctured lung? How would she fare then?" Nox immediately stills, not wanting to risk my safety most likely.

"Why are you doing this, why couldn't you just leave me alone?" She scoffs, as if she couldn't possibly imagine that being something that could have actually happened.

"Leave you alone? You my dear girl are unique, power I haven't seen in years, there is no chance of us just leaving you alone. Grab her!" She lifts her foot off me, but I'm not free for long as someone grabs me by my hair and lifts me up, placing a knife at my throat.

I watch in horror as another witch drags a bleary eyed, weak looking Jim out from the back room. "You should have never gotten involved with witch business, vampire. Now you'll have to be taught a lesson and I'm afraid it's the last one you'll ever learn." The other witch lets Jim go, making him fall dazedly onto his hands and knees, and then the bitch witch kicks him forward and into the sunlight.

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