Chapter Eight

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I had never realized how truly trapped I had felt before, trapped by the estate, by my circumstances, by Mikhail. That song seemed to bring all my hidden feelings to light, brought forth thoughts I didn't even realize were bothering me until that song reminded me of them, of how it felt to be out from Mikhail's influence, to not relying on his presence or his money to buy me happiness. "Usually we're not this busy, except on nights after the full moon, but it seems that your little show the other night has inspired many return visitors." I glance around upon hearing Jim's words, there were indeed quite a few werewolves here again. I had been helping Jim out for a few day now, and even though I had yet to sing again, I seemed to be attracting quite a fan base, werewolves kept returning to the bar, more often than not bringing friends along with them.

The bar was filled to the brim with all sorts of creatures, a mermaid here and there, a group of vampires in the darkest corner of the room, though Jim was the only one allowed to serve them, and then the rest of the bar was filled to the brim with werewolves, who seemed so eager to hear me sing that they returned over and over again, even when I didn't end up singing. "Jim do you mind if I use your phone to put on a different song?" Like most people, he was using his phone which had a radio app on it connected to a speaker.

"Gonna give another performance are we kid? Give the wolves a bone would you, they've been spending a fortune here." I nodded, knowing just the song to play, I put the cup I was polishing down and walk over to his phone, I search for my song on YouTube knowing there is little chance Jim would have it on his phone. The Wolf by Phildel wasn't exactly a song I could see him listening to.

I click the song and the bar quiets immediately as my voice rings out with the first few lines of the song without any music. "And you once said I wish you dead, you sinner, I'll never be more than a wolf at your door, for dinner, and if I see you 'round like a ghost in my town, you liar. I'll leave with your head oh I'll leave you for dead, sire." The wolves are staring at me with interested gazes, having completely captured their attention the second I mentioned the word wolf.

The beginning beats of the song ring out and I sway to the beats, repeating the previous lines, "I'll never be more than a wolf at your door for dinner."  I grab a handful of salt and blow it off my palm, the magic forming a silhouette of a wolf running. The wolf turns and lunges at the person closest to it, a male werewolf who flinches back as I sing out the lines. "I'll leave with your head oh I'll leave you dead." His buddies laugh at him when all the wolf does is turn back into a pile of salt.

"You were sharp as a knife to get me, you were a wolf in the night to fetch me back, the wishes I've made are too vicious to tell, everyone knows I am going to hell. And if it's true, I'll go there with you." I stroke my finger down another wolf's cheek.

"I know the way through the night to your door, you know, the blood that I'm owed is all yours." I make a crooking motion with my fingers and the blood in the vampires glasses swirls up through the air towards me, swirling around me before swirling back through the air and back into the vampires glasses as I continue with the next part of the song.

"I'll leave with your head oh I'll leave you for dead, sire." I pull a werewolf's head back by his hair and give it a light tug before letting go and walking back to the bar. Raucous applause and cheering follow my back as I go to the speaker and turn it back to the radio.

If I hadn't been singing that song, I would never have done half those things, but the passion in the song and the lyrics just seemed to take me for a ride of their own, deciding my actions for me.

"Well, I have to say, when I head a rumor that there was a witch in town, performing parlour tricks at a bar, I thought it was a disgusting joke." The room becomes dead silent as the voice rings around the room clearly, from a woman dressed in an all white pantsuit, her chest-length blonde hair styled in loose curls, as her blood red lips curl into a snarl of disgust, her gold jewellery glimmering even in this dull lighting, she slowly pulls off her black sunglasses and looks over to me. "But I see now that it is true, my dear girl do you not know your own value? Come along now, we'll get you set up somewhere befitting your station." I frown at her, finally cluing into who she was, and why everyone in here was acting so wary of her, she was a witch. Nox grumbles at her in his adult cat form from where he is currently lying on the bar top.

"Ah, you even have a familiar, how cute." She goes to pet Nox, but he hisses and swipes at her with claws completely bared, causing her to frown at him. "Though he seems to be quite feral, don't worry darling a little bit of training and he'll be perfectly obedient." She then looks over at me, as if already expecting me to be running to get my bags packed. "Well move girl, I don't have time to wait around all night." She waves her hand at me as if I am stupid and don't understand her.

"I'm not going with you, my place is here." She scoffs at my words, as if she can't possibly see I am telling the truth.

"Nonsense, you are meant to be with your own kind, if it's the show you want, we can set you up at one of the clubs we own, much classier than this place." She looks down at her white heels with a frown as if disliking that she'll have to burn them after a trip here. "Besides, don't you want to learn more than those silly parlour tricks, how to do real magic?" She must think I am some lost child who has just figured out the barest of magic skill by chance alone.

"Real magic? I have no need of your lessons, I am very adept in real magic." She scowls at me, as if sick of my refusing her.

"Now you listen here girl, you are coming with me and you are coming with me now." She steps forward, her hand reaching for me as if to drag me away with her.

"No, I am not!" I slash my hand through the air, and she goes flying backwards and hits a wall, she blinks stunned, as she gets up, huffing she straightens out her suit.

"Now, I didn't want to do this, but you've crossed a line." Nox jumps off the bar top upon hearing her words and approaches her with his fur raised and his body rumbling out a threatening growl. "You think this sad feral familiar will defend against me? I am a high ranking member of the Nightshade Coven, you are no match for me!" She seemed to almost glow lightly with the amount of power radiating off her.

As soon as the crowded bar saw that this was about to get ugly, they immediately started leaving, which was rather good because I didn't want anyone except this bitch getting hurt. She takes a step forward but pauses as she notices Nox's trembling form, she watches with wide eyes as his form bulges and shifts, twists and turns, until a large Jaguar is crouched in front of her, mouth bared in a snarl and tail swishing as he gets ready to pounce at her. "Match for you? Oh, I am more than a match for you!" My vision tints red as my rage starts to take over. "NOW GET OUT!" My voice seems to be deeper and amplified with my power because the next thing I know a haze of red light leaves my body and she is flung out of the building. I watch as she glares at the building before straightening her suit again and then moving to enter the black limousine that a driver was holding the door open to.

"This is foolish, Caius, the girl belongs with her own kind, they will be back for her, with power like that there is no chance that they'll let her be without a fight." I turn around just in time to watch as the only remaining occupants of the bar, the vampires, get up and head towards the door. "Leave witches to fight amongst themselves, this will not end well for you if you stay involved, Caius." I watch as the Vampires leave and this one pauses in front of me, extremely handsome, young looking as well, seeming only a few years older than me, with that dark look, like I expected a vampire to look like, but he acted older then Jim and called him Caius for some reason. He lifts his hand and strokes my cheek with a hand that is surprisingly warm, but I still flinch at the contact, not knowing what to expect. "Be brave little one, monsters will come far and wide to steal the power you've got." With that parting note he leaves as well, leaving only the three of us in the bar, Nox, Jim or Caius was it, and I.

Jim sighs and looks at me, seemingly tired, though I've only been with him for a few nights it still seems like I was more trouble then I was worth. "I think we need to talk, Kid."

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