homoerotic undertones and Asher does not respect women

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“Wow. The traffic is barely a thing anymore. All the people are walking. Even Mrs. Hooters was walking; although really weirdly.” Asher stated, putting two dollars into the pop machine and stabbing at a soda. “You're a loser, Erik.”
“For choosing water?” Asher nodded “-I think you're the loser. Going on vacation with a guy.” Erik replied, taking a sip of the cold water. 
“Have you ever noticed how sharp your jaw is?” Asher replied.
“Have you ever noticed how pretty your eyes are? They remind me of the sea.” 
“Have you ever noticed how pretty your hair is? Brown is really your color. Especially with those hazel eyes.” 
“Interesting. Let's go. Look over there, homeless people in the middle of the street again. Let’s go wake them up.” Erik pointed at a person laying on their stomach. They walk over to her and turn her over. “Wow. Must have gotten kinky.” Asher states as he inspects the zombie bite on her neck. “Wonder what guy it was. He must have some sharp fucking teeth.” Erik crosses his arms together as Asher sets his hand on his hip. 
“The insides of a human neck are...gross.” Erik watches as Asher picks at her neck with a stick “-Asher, what the fuck.” He states, not surprised, rather, the woman didn’t consent to him sticking something in a place she wouldn’t want something stuck. 
“I think she’s dead.”
No Shit.
“Should we take this to the police?” Asher leaned down towards Erik, watching as he looked concerned.
“I don’t know. We would definitely be suspected.” Erik nods as Asher stands back up and throws the stick on the ground. “Let’s just go. They say we should stay clear of beaches because of the ‘zombie apocalypse’. Wanna go to the beach?”
“You know what? Let’s just go to the country. There’s supposedly an abandoned lab out there. I wanna go.” Asher states, taking his bag off his broad shoulders with a smile, zipping open the bag to show spray paint. Erik shrugs and begins walking with him down the now abandoned road.
“Are you fucking insane?” Asher asks, watching as Erik bends down and takes a picture of a caterpillar. “How can you take a picture of those disgusting things?” Asher walked away from the caterpillar, making sure to not look at its wriggling, brown body. 
“Oh come on, Asher, look. Its fur is so soft, and it's just curling on my finger, resting there.” He looks closer “-looks like a wooly bear caterpillar. I’m gonna name it James.”
“Oh fuck no. That...thing isn’t coming with us, Erik!” Asher states, about to smash the caterpillar under his combat boots. 
“Your gonna smash my hand if you do it right now, idiot!” Erik yelled, taking out a container and setting the caterpillar in it, poking some holes. “I think we’ll keep you, won’t we, James?”
“Oh my fucking god…” Asher sighs as he facepalms himself, groaning. “Okay, you can, just...keep it away from me…”
“Oh, James, you're so cute and fluffy, and quiet...you’d be a great replacement for Asher.” 
“Are you fucking kidding me…” Asher mumbles “-are you even listening to me, Erik!?” Erik was not listening to Asher, as he was too obsessed with James. 
“I’m listening, just tuning you out.”
“That’s not listening! That’s called ignoring me!” 

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