Mr Taxi-Man deserved a grave

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“I think we need to make a grave for Mr. Taxi-Man.” Erik stated, walking besides Asher through the wheat field. 
    “We left Mr. Taxi-Man back there, though, with the crazy hot bitch.” Asher stated, once again, thinking with his dick “-did you see her bra through her shirt? Soaked in sweat...showing off that pink bra…” Erik smacked Asher on the back of the head.
    “Disgusting. Thinking of a woman as nothing more than an object.” Erik frowned at Asher, opening his bag once again. “She must have been high or something, thinking Mr. Taxi-man was a zombie.” He pushes around his bag, finding bits of paper, a broken pencil, and, for some odd reason, a picture of a donkey. After going through all his pockets twice, he looks to his side and see’s the map Mr. Taxi-Man drew him. “Oh there it is.” He mumbles, grabbing it as Asher groaned.
    “Ugh! How am I supposed to post this sexy selfie if I don’t have service? God E-Mobile Sucks!” Asher curses his phone as he looks around and see’s a heavily guarded base. “Oh sweet, look Erik.” He points Erik to the base “-its one of those labs! You know? The ones with the shady shit going on inside? We could graffiti that!” Asher runs to the Lab, climbing over the fence as if he was a monkey in the jungle, wild and free, instead of a idiot who didn’t know how to count to 20.

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