Day Ten

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"Good morning, Nicky!" Savannah greeted cheerily as she collapsed into her usual seat, setting her bag down by her feet. She immediately turned her gaze to the dark-haired boy sitting beside her.

Nick looked back at her with a certain adoration in his eyes that seemed to grow more and more with each passing day. It was impossible not to like this girl. "Good morning, Van," he replied softly.

"Guess what," Before Nick could even reply, Savannah had already continued, "I baked cookies yesterday! And I brought one for you. Do you like chocolate chip cookies?"

Nick's mouth fell open slightly in surprise. She had made cookies and thought of him. She cared enough to bring one to school for him. "I-"

Savannah's smile fell slightly, "You don't, do you? I'm sorry, Nicky. Next time I'll-"

"No, Van," Nick interrupted her gently, leaning closer to her slightly, "I do. Thank you. But... why did you think of me?"

She tilted her head to the side as she watched him, her eyebrows furrowed, "Why wouldn't I? You're my friend, Nicky. I wanted to bring you one,"

Nick shook his head slightly, muttering, "So damn precious,"

Savannah heard his words and blushed furiously. She quickly ducked her head down in hopes he wouldn't see her flaming cheeks. Unzipping her bag, she pulled out the container she had brought the three cookies in. She opened it and handed one to Nick. "Here you go. I also brought one for myself and one for my best friend, Melanie,"

Nick watched her curiously, "You only brought one for one other person?"

Savannah nodded, "Yeah. I don't have many friends. I mean, there are some people that I just talk to in class, but I only really have one best friend,"

Nick's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Then why did you bring one for me?"

Savannah looked up into his comforting grey eyes and smiled, "You're special, Nicky. I may have only known you for a week and a half, but I can see it. You deserve the world, and I may not be able to give you that, but a cookie will do for now,"

Nick shook his head slowly, piercing grey eyes staring into her gorgeous hazel ones, "You're wrong. If anyone deserves the world, it's you,"

 If anyone deserves the world, it's you,"

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