Day Fifteen

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A/N - Once again, the skip between the days is intentional, you didn't miss anything :)


"Good morning, Nicky," Savannah greeted as she took her usual seat next to Nick on Monday morning, dropping her bag down at her feet.

Nick's head shot up from where he had it rested on the table. He looked to the right and his wide eyes locked on Savannah. He swallowed roughly, "Hi, Van," His eyes immediately noticed the change in her appearance. She had gotten a haircut. No longer did her strawberry blonde curls fall down to her waist, instead they were cut to just below her shoulders. Nick had thought she looked beautiful before and he found her just as - if not more - beautiful now.

She grinned, "How are you, Nicky?"

Nick nodded slightly before realising that wasn't actually an answer, "I'm good. You changed your hair,"

Savannah smiled widely, "I got a haircut on Saturday. Do you like it?"

Nick nodded immediately, his eyes scanning her face then her hair before dropping down her body quickly. "You look beautiful," He murmured quietly, almost hoping that she wouldn't be able to hear him.

But she did. Oh yes she did. And that one comment had Savannah's cheeks heating up with the most intense blush she had ever experienced. "Thank you, Nicky," She whispered, letting her hair fall around her face as she turned back to the front of the class when Mr. Romero started talking. Savannah couldn't keep the smile off her face throughout Mr. Romero's entire explanation of the task.

Throughout the rest of the lesson, Nick found himself staring at Savannah more and more often. It was as if he had just realised how beautiful she really was. From her adorable nose scrunch when she was confused to her concentrated lip biting, he found beauty in everything she did.

And it wasn't because of her haircut. No, of course he liked her new haircut, but that wasn't the reason for the sudden change. Nick had a sneaking suspicion it was because of what happened after class on Friday. She had kissed him. Albeit, it was on the cheek, but it was still the most affection Nick had experienced in a long time. He found himself wanting Savannah to do it again.

Halfway through the lesson, Nick decided to do something. It was risky, but the adorable ray of sunshine beside him was too nice to refuse anyway. Plus, he hoped that she liked him enough to say yes as well.

Nick scooted his chair a little closer to Savannah's, leaning a little closer to her. She noticed this and looked up at Nick with a smile. "Hey, Nicky,"

His lip twitched, threatening to break out into a smile. "Hi, Van. I have a favour to ask you,"

Savannah turned more towards Nick, giving him her full, undivided attention. "What is it?"

"You know how you're really good at math?" He started, scooting forward a little more in his seat. Their knees were almost touching.

She blushed, "I wouldn't say that, Nicky."

"Well, I would," He murmured and she couldn't help but smile, letting him continue. "I really suck at math and I was wondering if... maybe you could help me?"

"Like... a tutor?" Savannah suggested.

"I prefer the term 'study partner'." Nick's lips lifted into a small smirk and Savannah found herself staring at it. That was the closest thing she'd had to a smile so far.

She quickly nodded, "Of course I'll help you, Nicky! Do you want to study in the school library after school today?"

"I can't do Mondays," Nick murmured, his knee bumping hers slightly as he moved even closer to her. "How about tomorrow?"

Savannah nodded, grinning, "Tomorrow's great!"

Nick let out a small sigh of relief. Yes, tomorrow will be great.

 Yes, tomorrow will be great

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