Day Fifty-Eight

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"What do you need help with today, Nicky?" Savannah asked cheerily as she fell into the free spot beside Nick on the couch in the library after school that Tuesday.

Nick looked up at her, eyes sparkling with an adoration that the girl beside him failed to notice. He lifted his arm so that it was resting over the back of the couch behind her and angled his body in her direction. "Functions."

Savannah nodded, grabbing out her textbook, "Alright, we can do that."

And so they spent the next hour going over the things they had been doing in math class, all the while Nick tried and failed to keep his attention on the work instead of the beautiful girl beside him. Meeting up at the library after school to study had become a weekly thing for the two of them.

"Nicky, are you even listening to me?" Savannah asked, a small smile playing on her lips as she turned her attention to Nick.

Nick shrugged, his eyes travelling over her face slowly. He couldn't seem to help it any more. He struggled to keep his eyes off her. "Not really." He replied softly.

Savannah sighed and snapped her textbook shut before shifting her body so that she was facing him fully. She caught him staring and her breath hitched at the look in his eyes. He was looking at her with such happiness in his eyes that she wondered why he still had yet to smile at her. "Will I ever get a smile out of you, Nicky?" Savannah asked gently, reaching her hand up to brush away a dark strand of hair that had fallen over Nick's forehead. Nick stayed completely still as she did so, too afraid to move.

"You will." Nick replied without hesitation. He knew it wouldn't be long. There were way too many times that he had smiled to himself once she had gone and regretted not letting her see it.

Savannah leaned closer to him so that their faces were only inches apart. "What do I have to do?"

Nick froze, all too aware of the close proximity between them. He stared into her gorgeous hazel eyes, not knowing what to do. Savannah stared straight back at him, trying to figure out a way to make him smile. When an idea suddenly came to her, she hesitated. But judging by the look Nick was giving her at that moment, she thought she would give it a shot.

So she kissed him.

So she kissed him

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