Day Twelve

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"Good morning, Nicky," Savannah grinned as she collapsed into the seat next to Nick, setting her bag down at her feet, "Are you ready for the test?"

Nick turned to face her, raising an eyebrow, "What do you think, Van?"

She pouted, "It's okay, Nicky. The test doesn't count for much,"

He shrugged, turning away from her, "It's fine,"

Savannah paused for a moment as she stared at Nick's side profile. He still didn't smile. After almost two weeks, the most she'd gotten was a slight lift in one corner of his lip. Savannah slid her chair over to sit right next to his, leaning her elbow on his desk and looking up at him with her head in her hand. He glanced down at her as she smiled up at him.

"How are you, Nicky?" She asked him.

"I'm fine," was his simple reply.

Savannah frowned, "Just fine?"

"Better," he elaborated.

"Than?" She prompted again.

He sighed quietly, "Than five minutes ago,"

She tilted her head slightly, "What changed?"

His eyes moved to connect with hers, staring with his intense grey eyes, "You came,"

Savannah's eyes widened slightly at the statement, but before she could reply, Mr. Romero began talking, handing out the tests. She sighed quietly, moving back away from Nick and sitting her chair back behind her desk as they were handed their tests. She had wanted to keep talking to Nick. She hated that their conversations were always interrupted.

But despite being disappointed that she couldn't keep talking to him because the test had started, Savannah still felt a burst of happiness bloom in her chest. He had said that seeing her had made him happy! Well, insinuated it. But still! This was major progress in Savannah's eyes and she couldn't wait to talk to him after the test.

It took Savannah almost an hour to finish the test, and once she had, she glanced around. They had the full one hour of class to finish the test. Some people seemed to be finished, their papers turned over and their pens down, while others were still hard at work. Savannah glanced over at Nick to see that he was finished too, leaning back in his seat with his arms folded over his chest and his eyes closed.

As if sensing her gaze on him, Nick opened his eyes and focused on her. His stare was as intense as ever, grey eyes piercing her and feeling as though he was looking right into her soul. He tilted his head slightly, eyebrows dipped down in question. Savannah only smiled, biting down on her bottom lip to restrain the mega-grin that threatened to take over her face. If what he said was true, she would be extremely happy.

Soon enough, the bell rang and everyone stopped, grabbing their things and heading out of the class. Savannah handed her test to Mr. Romero on her way out, making sure to wish him a good day. When she was just outside the classroom, she stepped to the side and waited for Nick to exit behind her. She had English next period and she'd probably be late because of this, but she couldn't seem to find it in herself to care.

Not a second later, Nick left the class, his black backpack slung over one shoulder and his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. Savannah gently reached out and grabbed his arm, tugging him towards her. Nick's head snapped to the side, wide grey eyes meeting hers. He stared at her questioningly as she pulled him closer, leaning back against the lockers behind her while he stood in front of her.

"Something wrong?" He asked, his voice deep and sounding concerned. Savannah felt her stomach flip inside her but she couldn't figure out why.

"You said you felt better after I arrived. Does that mean I make you happy?" She asked quickly, looking up at him from beneath her eyelashes. She hadn't realised how tall he really was until now. They had never really stood face to face like this.

Nick's eyebrows furrowed further, "What? Oh." His eyes widened in realization. Slowly, he nodded, eyes straying from her face and instead looking down at their shoes. They were standing very close together. The toes of her shoes were only an inch away from his. "Yeah, you do."

Savannah couldn't help it as a huge grin spread across her face. She bounced on her toes excitedly, staring up at the boy in front of her. "You make me happy too, Nicky,"

Nick's eyes shot up to meet hers. Before he could blink, she had leaned up on her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek then bounced off down the hall away from him.

But if she had stayed for just a few extra seconds afterwards, Savannah would have seen the small, slightly bewildered smile that found a place on Nick's face.

But if she had stayed for just a few extra seconds afterwards, Savannah would have seen the small, slightly bewildered smile that found a place on Nick's face

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