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Charlotte watched as the human group she had joined interacted with Bella Swan. The fragile human turned towards the group, an awkward expression portrayed on her face. Charlotte rolled her eyes and turned to Jessica Stanley, "And I thought I was socially awkward..." Jessica laughed loudly and Lauren giggled the least genuine laugh in the word, causing the demon girl to roll her eyes. 'Honestly, why would people laugh if they didn't find it funny?' she asked herself.

Although Bella's attitude towards Charlotte hadn't been great, she took pity on the human. Jealousy was never a good colour on anyone and Charlotte had owned a heart at one stage inn her normal life. She watched carefully as Bella stood by her truck, obvious to the demon approaching her. "Hey Bella," Charlotte spoke loudly, tapping her on the shoulder lightly. Bella jumped at the sudden contact, and turned to face Charlotte whilst pulling her headphones out.
"You scared me!" Bella flushed, looking at the ground in embarrassment. "And your hands are super hot. Have you got a fever?" Charlotte chuckled at the human, confused by her sudden worry.
"I'm always hot, it's just how it always has been, I guess. Anyway, I know that prom is coming up and I think Lauren, Angela, Jess and I are going into Port Angeles. Dress shopping, obviously, and I was wondering if you wanted to come too?" Charlotte offered the young human, wanting to include her and hopefully work out why she had such a disliking for her.

Bella nodded her head slowly, pulling her backpack off the truck and pulling it onto her back. "Um, sure. I just need to ask Charlie, but I would love-" Bella was cut off by Charlotte gazing at something.
"What's wrong?" As Bella spoke, a loud, sharp screech echoed across the parking lot. A van was swerving in all directions, completely out of control. The driver, Tyler Crowley, expressed a look of fear and panic as the van set a course start towards Bella and Charlotte.
A human wouldn't survive the hit, but a demon...

Charlotte used her body weight to shove Bella back as far as possible, watching as the girl landed on the concrete with a satisfying crack to the head. 'I guess karma's a real bitch' Charlotte thought as she remembered all the stares she had been receiving from said human girl. The van picked up speed as it headed towards her, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Charlotte inhaled deeply as she watched in slow motion as the van came towards her. She could run out of the way, but then that would draw unwanted attention to how she was so fast. 'An adrenaline rush?' No, what a lame excuse, who would fall for that...

Her gaze turned to the lifeless form of Bella as she lay against the concrete, but she was of danger. Charlotte my be classed as a demon but that didn't mean that she was a heartless being. The van was approaching faster and faster as Charlotte dropped down into a defensive crouch, her hands extended. 

A loud crunching sound echoed through her ears and Charlotte realised an extremely important fact. She wasn't touching the van, so who stopped it. Her light brown eyes met a pair of topaz eyes, and once again that day she found herself trapped in their gaze. She scanned his soul and surprisingly for her, found one. Charlotte had been under the impression that vampires didn't have souls and yet she was wrong; so very wrong. Edward's soul wasn't pure white but a misty, dark grey. It was tainted with mistakes and yet she could see milky white under the surface. One thing was very clear to Charlotte, and that was that Edward had made mistakes, many mistakes.

She looked into his eyes and noticed the pitch-black that had taken a hold of her own eyes as they reflected from his own. She took in his appearance slowly, she had all the time in the world - another pro of being a demon was their speed. They were faster than any thing ever known, even vampires. Charlotte stared intently at they way his hands had bent the metal, taking the full force of the impact, his expression was one of slight panic, confusion and relief, and his bronze hair was dishevelled. Charlotte smiled at his hair, remembering his nickname Bronzie. It had been less than 24 hours since Charlotte had learned of his real name: Edward. And she could really see him with that name now, not David or Chris or Luke, just Edward. 

Charlotte's concentration faltered for a second and time caught up to her; everything was moving at a human's time. She watched as Edward asked her if she was okay, she watched as he nodded at her answer, a small yes, and she watched as he jumped over Bella's truck, leaving her laying on the cold, solid concrete. And that was when Charlotte remembered why she was even there in the first place: Isabella!

Bella had come around as she stirred against the paved floor, a small bump sat on her head and Charlotte swore that she could feel her head thumping from over there. She approached Bella carefully, and sat her up against her body. Charlotte ignored the shouts and screams from other students and teachers as they attempted to move the truck and reach the students. Her only concern was Bella, and suddenly everything seemed like it was going to be okay.

Bella's eyes fluttered open and closed many times before she finally locked eyes with the demon. "Hey Bella, you're gonna be oka-" Charlotte was interrupted when Bella's body lurched away from her and she threw up on the floor next to them. "I guess it was macaroni for lunch today. Won't be buying that for a while..."

"She hit her head extremely hard and has vomited twice now," Charlotte informed a nurse and watched as she scribbled down notes on a clipboard. They had arrived at the hospital by ambulance, and Charlotte had refused any tests. Charlotte lacked a pulse, or flowing blood in her system. She realised that they would be a bit suspicious of her and so she used the excuse that she was just a friend of Bella's and hadn't actually been involved in the accident. Bella had a large lump growing on her head a they spoke and Charlotte was worried that maybe she had pushed the fragile human girl slightly too hard.

The hospital room was small had multiple bed lined up across the wall, and only two were occupied; a vomiting Bella and a bleeding Tyler. Tyler had hit his head hard on the steering wheel and cut it open, leaving a gash that would definitely scar. He continued to apologise to the delirious Bella but had stopped when Charlie Swan, Bella's father and the Chief of Forks' Police, had pulled the curtain between the two beds. The hospital room doors were opened by who Charlotte suspected to be a doctor, yet her watchful eye didn't leave Bella's frame.

"I heard the Chief's daughter was in. I've got this one Jackie," the doctor dismissed the nurse and turned towards a pale Bella. His voice was like golden honey and his appearance screamed vampire to Charlotte. His skin was clear and white and snow, no imperfections marked his marble skin, and yet his eyes remained a soft butterscotch colour, no matter the amount of blood flowing from Tyler's battle wound. Charlotte decided that his control must be amazing but surely the temptation must get to him at times, and so she delved into his soul. 'Amazing', she thought to herself, his soul was pure white and had no markings, a pure soul and something she assumed to be ultra rare for a vampire.

The pair shared a look across the hospital bed as they exchanged small smiles. Charlotte ran a hand across Bella's forehead and left a small kiss to her cheek as she made her way to the reception, ready to leave and go searching for some souls to steal. She had decided that Seattle was a good spot for soul searching, people wold be out for an evening drink and hopefully she would find some extremely stained souls.

She passed Edward in the hallway and watched intently as he whispered to who she knew to be Rosalie Hale. It wasn't her conversation to get involved with and she felt the stares on her back as she walked away, ready to release some energy...

»»———————— ————————««

Word Count: 1423

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