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Edward held the door open as Charlotte climbed into his car, being very careful of the dress that Alice had forced her to wear, a flower that Edward had just pinned sat in her elaborately curled hair, also done by Alice.
Edward flew to his side of the car, getting in the driver's seat and headed back out the long, narrow drive.
"I've never actually been to prom before. Have you? What's it like? " Charlotte asked, her nerves overpowered by excitement as she bounced in her seat. She never really liked surprises; always wanted to know what would happening. And Edwards knew that, having seen it in her thoughts.
"I'm shocked that you haven't been before, in your 547 years." He threw a mocking smile in her direction, and Charlotte huffed before flicking him off, laughing.

"Have I told you that you look dashing in your suit, old man?" Charlotte mocked. "Yes, grandma," He grinned again, Charlotte falling back against her seat as Edward accelerated down the road. She'd never seen him dress in black before, he always chose light grey tops (well, Alice did anyway), and with the contrast against his pale skin, his beauty was absolutely surreal. His skin reminded her of snow in the early morning, uninterrupted as it settled to the ground.

Charlotte stared down at her dress: a gorgeous, fitted, gold dress hugged her figure, along with a pair of black heels that Alice had demanded she wore too. She could only assume that they would be uncomfortable for a human to wear, and it was times like these when she was grateful to not be human. "I'm not coming over anymore if Alice is going to keep using me as one of her barbie dolls," Charlotte huffed. They had spent the better part of the day in Alice's bathroom, her hair being pulled this way and that, and don't even start on the makeup....

Her eyes flashed to the window; they were halfway to the school already. "I hope my torture with Alice was worth it," Charlotte mused to herself. Edward looked her up and down quickly before his eyes returned to the road. "Trust me Charlotte, it was worth it..."

They pulled up at the school; Rosalie's stunning car was sat waiting in the parking lot, along with the other Cullen children. The sky was dark, stars shining brightly, and it surprising weather for Forks. Edward got out and walked around the car to open Charlotte's door. He held out his hand, and she accepted it.

He kept his arm tightly around her, stopping Charlotte from charging around and exposing them all for their differences, you could say. Charlotte had never attended any sort of teenage activities; like prom. She felt excitement like never before, and a childish manner took over her usual seriousness. The dance was in the gym, and Charlotte could smell the lingering scent of sweat from gym class earlier that week. When they got inside, she smiled widely and looked up at Edward. For a moment, she found herself lost in his topaz eyes, the way his emotions were displayed in his eyes. Charlotte had developed a way of reading someone from just their eyes, and she could easily say that Edward's eyes were her favourite.

There were actual balloon arches and confetti scattered floors; everything she had ever dreamed of. She looked at the dance floor and spotted the four other Cullen children, dancing together in their couples. Their movements were fluid and not a single mistake was made as they danced around the room.

Emmett and Jasper were intimidating and stunning in classic tuxedos, their pale skin also contrasted with their black outfits; very similar to Edward's, Charlotte realised. Alice was striking in a black satin dress, hugging her petite figure and flaring out at her feet - the definition of beautiful. And then there was Rosalie. She was beyond beautiful. Her vivid scarlet dress was backless, tight to her calves where it flared into a wide ruffled train, with a neckline that plunged to her waist. Every girl was envious of the blonde beauty, even Charlotte muttered a small "Damn," under her breath.

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