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Charlotte James sat in her bedroom. A pillow resting on her lap as she thought about the previous day's events. Bella was suspicious of her and the Cullens', Edward was getting closer to finding out about her kind, and her small trip to Seattle.

It had been a busy evening in Seattle as people went about their business, gong home or going out for drinks was the usual plans. Charlotte had already drawn enough attention to herself that day, so she decided to lay low by hanging out in the alleyways. It had been pretty quiet for an hour before she spotted a woman being aggressively pulled down the alley; five men in tow. Charlotte had sat quietly and watched, gauging an idea of what their intentions of the woman were.

It was when one of the men began throwing unwanted kisses at the woman did Charlotte step in. She had seen alot of things in her 547 years but this act was still in her top five for punishment. Her red hair blew in the wind as she walked toward them, her eyes melting into a pitch black. All five of the mens' souls were stained, completely damaged and a good meal for the demon girl. "Hey boys," she called out, their attention fixating on the gorgeous red-head. "Do you know this woman?" She asked them, her eyes peering into the decent soul of the woman. Her soul showed some mistakes, but none worthy of stealing her soul; a few crimes wouldn't fulfil her appetite.

The men stared at her, a 'who do you think you are' look on their faces. "What's it got to do with a stupid bitch like you?" One of the men called out, and that sent Charlotte flying in their direction. She grabbed the man and placed both of her hands on either side of his head, watching with satisfaction as a black mist gathered around his body, being absorbed by Charlotte's hands. The man dropped with a large thump and his lifeless body began to turn to a charcoal ash, slowly blowing away with the wind. Charlotte looked up, noticing the woman's absence before speaking to the others, "So, who's next?"...

Charlotte chuckled darkly at the memory and laid back against her bed, her sheets smooth against her body. Charlotte knew that a visit to the Devil himself was coming more urgent and pushing the event to a later date would only anger him. She huffed and pushed her body form her bed, in search for a can of coke, craving a sugary substance. She settled for a piece of white bread and moved location to her living room, a can of coke also in hand. The television showed many programmes and yet nothing caught the demon girls' eye, her focus preoccupied on the sugary drink chasing the bread to her stomach.

After feeding on so many tainted souls', her body was overcome with energy and a desperate need to burn some of it off. 'Maybe a run would help?' the girl thought excitedly, her body buzzing to move. 'Guess that's a yes then,' she giggled as her feet moved before she could ask them too. The house was based in the middle of the woods, on the outskirts of Forks' small town. The forest was quiet, after all it was two in the morning, and any human would be sleeping soundly at this time. The area felt familiar to the girl and yet she knew that she had never visited this place in all of her years.

The trees drew her attention and she soon found herself soaring between them, branch after branch allowing her to move quickly through the area. It was peaceful for the girl and she decided that this was the place she would come to calm down and burn some extra energy. The sky was still a pitch back that could rival Charlotte's eyes. They had remained their charcoal black after her feed, and this allowed her to see clearly in the darkness. The only source of light was the moon and random scattering of stars throughout the universe, but even they were covered by the trees leaves.

Charlotte found herself sat happily in a tree, watching as squirrels and the occasional fox ran underneath her. It wasn't the bright rising sun that drew her attention away from her thoughts but rather the loud, obnoxious voice that boomed through the forest - Emmett Cullen. She watched in fascination as their scents became stronger; Alice, Emmett and Jasper.

"Shut up Emmett, you're scaring them away!" Alice's light voice scolded Emmett and Charlotte had to resist the urge to laugh out loud. She assumed 'them' to be their prey, and the only prey around were woodland animals. Emmett apologised and in a heartbeat him and Jasper had gone, leaving Alice alone. Charlotte could have sworn that Alice looked at her before she too followed after the males, Emmett and Jasper arguing over the last deer. 'So they eat Bambi' Charlotte though to herself before leaving to get ready for another boring school day, and probably a questionnaire from Bella...

"And I literally thought you were gonna die, but I'm, like, so glad you didn't," Jessica told Charlotte, whilst Lauren stood to the side, rolling her eyes about the attention being directed to anyone else but her. "Well, I pushed Bella out of the way and then rolled underneath her truck. Guess I just got lucky," she told the curious human, opting to leave out the superhuman speed and strength that was displayed to the high school students that were present at the scene. "Totally lucky, so glad you're safe," Lauren added before dragging Jessica away from her. Charlotte chuckled at her childish behaviour before her ears locked in on the sound of Bella's old truck heading towards the school. She scanned the parking lot and saw none other than the Cullen family, all stood together wearing their designer clothing, and staring straight at her. Their lack of blinking and rising chests left Charlotte questioning how they were actually getting away with acting as humans when they seemed to constantly forget any natural human habits.

"Hi Charlotte!" Bella called out, drawing a smile to the demon's face. "I, um, just wanted to thank you for pushing me out of the way, and, um, for, um, looking after me," Bella's face turned a dark crimson as blood pooled at the surface. Her embarrassment was becoming a constant thing around Charlotte, but she assumed that was just how she was as a person who had blood flowing and a beating heart. That thought left her with a sad expression that went unnoticed by Bella, but not by the Cullens'.

At lunch time, Charlotte had a weird feeling building in her stomach and so chose to not eat lunch that day. The constant stares she was receiving from the vampires was once again brought up by Jessica Stanley,but thankfully was shut down by Angela Webber, telling her that gossip isn't a nice thing.

When biology rolled around, Charlotte knew that Edward Cullen was the reason for her missing appetite. It was a silent lesson as students' took the end of topic test of cell mutation, but Edward's low voice cut through it, only Charlotte was able to pick up the sound wave he spoke at. "I know what you are." Panic was the only thing that her system could detect. 'How did he work this one out?' She had been keeping her thoughts to boring subjects, like reciting the Bible, she lied the irony of that. A demon who knew every word in the Bible.

Edward's eyes remained facing the front of the classroom as did Charlotte's, and yet it felt as though his piercing topaz eyes were staring right at her. "My father would like to meet you after school. No harm will be brought to you, he just wants to talk. You can follow my siblings and I back to our home." Charlotte nodded at him and slowly gathered her belongings, mentally preparing herself for the few hours of her existence...

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Word Count: 1359

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