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It had taken much less time than  Charlotte had thought — all the terror, the despair, the new found feelings and then the sudden shattering of her cold, dead, unbeating heart. The minutes were ticking by more slowly than usual. Jasper still hadn't come back when I returned to Alice. I was afraid to be in the same room with her, afraid that she would guess... and afraid to hide from her for the same reason.

Charlotte would have thought she was far beyond the ability to be surprised, her thoughts tortured and unstable, but she was surprised when she saw Alice bent over the desk, gripping the edge with two hands. "Alice?" She didn't react when her name was called, but her head was slowly rocking side to side. Her eyes were blank, dazed and Charlotte's thoughts flew to Bella. Was she already too late?

Charlotte hurried to her side, reaching out automatically to touch her hand. "Alice!" Jasper's voice called out, and then he was right behind her, his hands curling over hers, loosening them from their grip on the table. Across the room, the door swung shut with a low click. "What is it?" he demanded. Alice turned her face away from Charlotte, into his chest. "Charlotte," she said. "I'm right here," the demon girl replied.

Alice's head twisted around, her eyes locking onto light brown ones, their expression still strangely blank. I realised at once that she hadn't been speaking to me, she'd been answering Jasper's question.

"What did you see?" he asked her, his voice soft and soothing. A tranquil atmosphere settle around everyone, relaxing the situation. Alice, too, recovered herself. "Nothing, really," she answered finally, her voice remarkably calm and convincing. "Just the same room as before." She finally looked at Charlotte, her expression smooth and withdrawn. "Did you want breakfast?"

Charlotte shook her head, announcing that she was going to the shower. She got ready methodically, concentrating on each little task. She left her long, red hair down, swirling around her shoulders, and covering her face. The peaceful mood Jasper created worked its way through her and helped her think more clearly. She dug through a bag until she found her trusty sock full of money. At least two-hundred dollars. She was anxious to get to the airport, and glad when they left by seven. She sat alone this time in the back of the dark car. Alice leaned against the door, her face toward Jasper but, behind her sunglasses, shooting glances in the demon's direction every few seconds...

They arrived at the airport. Luck was on Charlotte's side and she hoped it stayed that way. Edward's plane was landing in terminal four, the largest terminal, where most flights landed — so it wasn't surprising that his was. But it was the terminal I needed: the biggest, the most confusing, the most populated...

They parked on the fourth floor of the huge garage. Alice led the way to the elevator and down to level three, where the passengers unloaded. Alice and Jasper spent a long time looking at the departing flights board, discussing the pros and cons of New York, Atlanta, Chicago. Places Charlotte had been to before. Places she would see again, one way or another.

She waited patiently for her opportunity as she sat in the long rows of chairs by the metal detectors. Alice and Jasper sat on either side of her as if they knew she would take off at any minute. Had Alice seen something? Every inch she shifted in the uncomfortable seat was followed by a quick glance out of the corner of their eyes. It was hopeless and she felt suffocated by them.

'Should I run? Would they try to stop me physically in this public place? Or would they simply follow? I could outrun them but I've never fought with vampires before?' Her thoughts were everywhere and yet they led her nowhere. She pulled the unmarked envelope out of my pocket and set it on top of Alice's black leather bag, receiving a confused look from the pixie. "My letter," Charlotte reminded. She nodded, tucking it under the top flap. He would find it soon enough, but hopefully not too soon.

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