Heart strings

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Trollex was used to wide open spaces when it came to musical gatherings, though in his defence, his tribe could move about in three dimensions during their Techno rave parties. He recalled fondly the feeling of instincts to follow the music kicking in, regardless of where it led you.

As such, seeing a large hollow carved from one of the mountains for a stage, with a canopied sitting area for the audience was a little bit of a strange concept. He looked around the seating area, before heading for the stage through the air.

Poppy was clearly confused about the set up though. "Trollzart, where do you dance?"

Trollzart offered a patient smile. "I assumed one of you might ask that. You see, the classical music we play in not always something one dances to. Yes, one would be able to dance to the music, should they choose, but ours is one that carries the soul along the melody... Ah, fortuitous timing, perhaps we might get a performance?"

The queen of pop tilted her head, and then looked back towards the stage, noticing at last that there was one Classical troll on the stage, an instrument held in their hand.

Trollex gasped sharply, darting for the stage. "Bach, is that you?" He wasn't entirely sure how he knew, but somehow he was sure that the small troll on stage was the one he met when he first arrived.

Bach jumped a little, gasping softly before looking up. "Ah, king Trollex! Pardon me, I didn't expect Trollzart to bring you here, I'll leave if you wish."

He zipped down, shaking his head. "No, it's alright, stay! I'm glad to see you again actually." He looked down at the instrument that Bach was holding. "What's that you got there?"

Being asked that seemed to light a fire in Bach as he smiled brightly. "Ah, you mean my violin? It's my preferred instrument, though I can use others. Would you like to hear a small melody?"

He nodded eagerly, drifting down to the floor of the stage before sitting, folding his fins to tuck under himself. "I'd love to! I've never heard a violin before."

Bach nodded, shaking himself loose a moment before sighing. He brought the violin up, resting his chin on the rest and lightly setting the bow on the strings. After a moment of preparation, Bach began.

Trollex didn't know when he closed his eyes, but he ended up surrendering himself to the music, his eyes having shut as he listened to the mournful tune of the string instrument. Despite the emotion clear on the tune the strings produced, he found it calming.

He hadn't realized that he had become so engrossed within the music, his heart beating slowly to the melancholy sound. As the tempo began to slow, he found himself getting tired, his heart pulsing slower and slower to match the pace.

"Wait, Trollex, what's happening?" He distantly registered Poppy's voice as his mind drifted away, and he fell into a calm sleep.

As soon as Trollex thumped lightly onto his back, Bach stopped the music, setting down the violin and flying to the sleeping Trollex's side. "Oh no! Trollzart, this has never happened before... Is he alright?"

Trollzart hovered over, Poppy following as well. The two leaders looked down at Trollex, which was when Trollzart seemed to realize something. He floated down, setting a hand on his own chest, and then Trollex's.

He closed his eyes, focusing on the beating in their chests. 1-1 2-1 3-2 4-2 He opened his eyes again, tilting his head slightly. "I think... I think he may have fallen unconscious when his heart slowed, but I've no idea why it may have slowed in the first place..."

Poppy bit her lip, looking between the two concerned Classical trolls, and then gently patted Trollex on the cheek. "Hey, Trollex, wake up...!"

They were all a little surprised when Trollex's heart suddenly gave a strong pulse, the troll in question grumbling tiredly and wriggling slightly, as if to get away from the pats.

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