Let Music be your guide

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Trollex lounged on his bed in the place the royals had put him up in, staring at the ceiling. His only permitted visitor was Beat, who was still out reporting the current situation to the trolls on the surface. Thanks to that, he was currently alone with no hope of anything to break the silence.

Well, not quite silence really. Ever since he had gotten here, he'd been either near other trolls, or things that made sound. Even when he was alone near the barrier he could hear a faint hum from it. But right now, in what should have been complete silence, he could hear a faint melody. He couldn't place it, but he knew it was there.

He closed his eyes, trying this best to focus on it. It seemed though that whenever he grabbed for it with his consciousness, it would slip. He groaned, sitting up and trying harder to focus on it. He was about to pin it, he was sure!

That's when the door slammed open, and Dryya stepped inside, he yelped and hid beneath his covers, poking his head out just enough to see her.

Dryya was an intimidating figure, even without her crab claw blades. Her softer brown coloration offset by the darker brown patterning all along her body. Her tail was swishing back and forth angrily, glaring the young king down with her piercing dark eyes.

She stepped forward, setting a bowl of soup on the night stand. "Eat."

He glanced at the soup, then up at her curiously. He had heard clattering coming from the kitchen earlier, so... "Did... you make this for me?"

Her wings twitched slightly and she looked away. "Well, Techno trolls don't really cook much, and you looked like you were hungry. It's just soup, eat."

Trollex had to admit he was hungry... he took up the bowl and spoon, scooping some up and blowing on it a few times. When he sipped at it, his eyes sparkled. It was really good! He ate a few hasty spoonful's, they yelped, nearly dropping the soup when he burnt his tongue. "H-Hot!" He stuck his tongue out a bit, fanning at it with the hand holding the spoon.

Dryya gave him a curious look, a small smile pulling at her cheeks. "Maybe slow down a bit then, King Trollex."

He nodded a bit, offering a sheepish smile. "Sorry... but it's just really, really good! What is it?"

He didn't miss the light blush dusting her cheeks as she looked away. "Clam chowder, really easy to make... I figured you'd like it, most Techno trolls do."

He nodded, taking another spoonful after blowing on it. As he enjoyed his soup, they sat in companionable silence, Dryya staring out a nearby window as he looked her over, able to see her much more clearly now that she was sitting still, and so close to him.

He could tell she didn't smile much, and he had a feeling that was connected to her torn wing and the scar on her lower left arm. He couldn't help staring at it, wondering just what might have happened to her...

That's when she suddenly pulled her arm back, and he realized she was glaring at him. "You mind?"

He gulped a bit. "Sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... It's just... You're always very serious; don't you ever let yourself smile? Or have fun?"

She smirked a bit, but there wasn't any mirth behind it. "Sometimes, but only with people I can trust. I'm head guard; I have to keep trolls in check, both the citizens and the other guards. And trust me, that's a full time job with a tribe locked in a bubble under water for centuries."

His eyes widened a bit. He hadn't thought of it that way... He'd been going stir crazy, and he'd only been here a week. She was born and raised here, her only access to the outside world being those trolls brought here from outside. "I... I'm sorry; I hadn't realized just how tough it must be for you all down here..."

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