#8 Oh Liv, Always protecting me.

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As we walked through the school grounds random students shouted things at Olivia, everyone in this school gives her such a hard time. I didn't get it. She didn't say anything back to any single one of them. I didn't even know who the people were but I'm pretty sure I've slept with them in the past.

I brought her to the back of the science block, hidden away from everyone. Just me and her. I fumbled around my pocket for my joint and lighter. I had one hand, not even my best hand and my movements were restricted because of this damn bruise. Finally I managed to get it but I struggled to light it. Whenever I rolled my thumb over the wheel I couldn't hold it lit long enough to light the joint. It was frustrating and humiliating as two sparkling emeralds glowed into me, watching my every move.

She stepped closer and I held my breath, trying to quickly pluck up the courage to endure whatever she was about to do. My blue eyes locked onto hers, holding eye contact as she stood inches away from my face. In that moment I wanted to feel her lips on mine, I wanted to feel her body against mine and I mentally argued with myself for having those thoughts.

"Here" she said with minty breath fanning out across my face.

She grabbed my lighter and flicked it on holding it to the end of my joint until tiny waves of smoke appeared from the tip. Her eyes glowed seductively and she licked her lips making my body stand to attention. Once she had done her good deed she stood back and turned away from me, offering me only her side profile.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from her, she confused me. One minute she seemed full of confidence and the next minute she was the opposite. Every day she must endure abuse from all areas of this school and it must drag her self esteem down. I know it because I live it except mine comes from home not from school. Why does she let them treat her like that?

"Why do you let them do and say all that shit to you?" I finally asked, my curiosity couldn't hold back any longer.

She really thought about her answer and my eyes were drawn back to her sensual lips as she tugged it hard between her teeth.

Calm down Liam, it's an innocent act.

"I guess I just think if I ignore them they'll eventually get bored and leave me alone." She finally said, genuinely believing her own words.

But that's so far from true, if she allows people to walk all over her then they'll just continue to do so because nobody is stopping them. I inhaled another puff of smoke, letting it grasp around my insides calming me of all the tenseness I experienced moments before. I blew smoke circles out, directing them at Olivia. "It's because you let them as to why they do it." I said informatively.

Her nose twitched in response, causing cute little wrinkles to form on the surface and I had to bite back my smile. I watched clarity wash over her bewildered face like a tidal wave and replaced her facial expressions with absolute horror.

"Are you smoking weed?" She exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

I couldn't hold back my smile any longer, we had been standing here for about ten minutes and she's only just realized I was smoking a joint. I could feel my cheeks ache from the stupid smile I wore across my lips. She looked completely dumbfounded and I don't think she quite knew how to react to the situation.

Relaxation took over inside of me, nothing was a big deal anymore. He was out of my mind and the darkness had temporarily subsided. I walked beside Olivia, my feet felt heavy and I struggled to keep up with her footwork. Her body moved a little in front of me stretching the chain straight and tugging on my wrist.

"Slow down." I said with a weighted tongue.

The good thing about my slower movements was that it made the pain in my chest hurt less. It dropped it down to a copable amount. Olivia dragged me through the corridors to geography. When we got there I melted against my seat, letting the hard plastic carry the weight of my body.

I watched her beautiful face as she focused on whatever the teacher was saying. Her hair dropped below her shoulders and each strand fell delicately on top of one another, hanging like strands of golden fine silk, glossy and bright.

I needed to feel it on my fingers, I needed to feel her.

"Your hair... it's so soft." I forced out of my mouth as I relished in her touch, stroking the velvety texture and watching it slip through my hands as I curled it up in between my fingers. I buried my nose into the nape of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating goodness. She smelt of tropical breezes and happiness. She smelt of safety and warmth.

"it smells so...good." I dragged out every syllable of my spoken words, in a slow slur caused by the heaviness of my tongue.

I pulled my nose out of her hair and focused my blue eyes into hers. Beautiful emeralds stared back at me shyly. A flush crept across her cheeks, giving away her embarrassment, affected by the touch as much as I was. I used the back of my hand to trace over her pinkness in an attempt to calm it but instead I felt her heat up beneath my skin, making her cheeks shine brighter.

"Your skin... is soft too." I announced as my hand glided across the flawless, smoothness of her cheeks with the connection of our two bodies.

"Liam..." She whispered in a voice so low it was barely audible.

She reached up and grabbed my hand, gently placing it back down on the table. I blinked at her through my groggy eyelids, feeling lost without her touch.

"You need to stop. You're high and someone will catch on." Oh Liv. Always protecting me.


We arrived at her history lesson and she took a seat next to some boy, he kept lingering a look on her for longer than I liked. Whenever she bent down to write he tried looking down her top. Olivia was oblivious to him but it sent chills up my spine and threatened to return the darkness. Zak and Ben were both in this lesson with her but I couldn't sit with them because I was chained to Olivia. So I text Zak from across the room, carefully hiding my screen from Olivia.

Who is this dick sitting next to Olivia?

Through my marijuana stained eyes the screen of my phone looked three dimensional, like everything was coming out in a blurring display of technology but Zak replied instantly.

That is Alex, don't really know him but think he is harmless.

I looked over at zak and he shrugged at me. My face was like thunder, I was seething and sending off uncomfortable waves to the people around me, making the room drop by a few hundred degrees.

"I gotta go the trash can." Olivia said, distracting me from the evilness that threatened to overspill inside of me.

We got up together and walked towards the trash can. I kept my eyes on Alex the whole time but he refused to meet my glare, coward. Olivia bent over to pick something up from the floor giving a welcome display to his watching eyes. His face lit up in appreciation and a disgusting smile stretched across his face as he raised one eyebrow.

Anger came crashing through my veins and travelled around my whole body in a nanosecond. How dare he look at her like she's a piece of meat. Like she's his next meal. I couldn't stop myself from banging my fist down on the desk in front of me. Olivia looked at me startled by my unexpected reaction and I shook my head, turning away from her. Thankfully she didn't even question it, we just sat back down next to that pig who continued to ogle the goods.

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