#39 omg, this cannot be happening.

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I squirmed under her gentle touch as she glided her fingers up my torso, it was unmarked and my skin was crystal clear. She planted her gentle kisses across my ribs, where my bruises didn't exist and I felt safe in her arms because she cared about me.

Her body was beautiful, wearing the black lacy underwear from the waterfall but with my leather jacket over the top and she lay next to me smiling. I could reach out and touch her, feel the heat of her skin under my wandering fingertips as I lay in the ecstasy of her tropical scent.

My hand trailed down her body, travelling lower as she lay back letting me. Keeping those beautiful eyes locked onto mine, holding me prisoner. She stopped smiling and I watched her mouth move as she spoke words softly.

"Quit poking me." she said tiredly.

"What?" I said groggily as my eyes fluttered open and I adjusted to my surroundings.

"You're poking me." she said again, more irritated this time but still sounding slumberous.

Almost instantly I felt a familiar throb run through my body and the meaning behind her words fell into place.

Oh my God. This cannot be happening.

I darted backwards on the bed suddenly putting space between our two bodies and then patted the duvet down between us to add an extra layer of protection. Shame washed over me and I could feel my face turning pink. She rolled over to face me, watching me like she was fascinated which made my embarrassment a hundred times worse.

"I... uh..." I stuttered my words and squirmed with awkwardness, the whole time she watched me like I was a rare exhibit in a zoo. "It's not you... well it could be you... but it's just" I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling the heat leave my body as the blush shined brighter. "it happens every morning, to every guy."

Her eyes widened like she just realized what was going on, she threw her hands over her face as her own cheeks pinked and the air felt thick with awkwardness.

"I'm going to go sort myself out." I said shyly, feeling thankful I slept in my t.shirt last night to at least conceal a little bit of my dignity as I did the walk of shame.

"ew!" she screeched in horror still hiding behind her hands.

"With a cold shower Liv." I said straightly, dismissing her wayward thoughts with the roll of my eyes.

The cold water rolled down my skin, catch my breath with the coolness. I looked down at my body and shaked my head in annoyance. "When I want you to work you don't. When I don't want you to work you won't go away." I swatted it which made me jolt slightly.

I have to admit I was happy to catch a break from the nightmares, especially after sharing the bed with her which usually intensifies them. Maybe I'm getting used to this closeness lark. I looked down at my dick, which still stood to attention.

Sorry Liv, there's only one way I'm gonna get rid of this.


I pulled up a seat next to her as she sat eating cereal at the breakfast bar. Things still felt awkward between us, we couldn't look at each other for the longest time. If only she knew what I really did in the shower. I listened to her crunching her cornflakes as I tried to rebuild some pride and push away the embarrassment of earlier events.

"I'm surprised you stayed the whole night." she finally said.

"Wish I didn't now" I mumbled under my breath.

"I thought my mom was poking me to wake me up." she shot me a playful smile which I returned but hid behind my hands.

"Oh Liv, don't." I pleaded, not wanting to relive the moment. "You mistook my dick for your mom?" I asked, she nodded and we both burst out into a uncontrollable laughter, all of the tension evaporated between us.


"I have to call home first to change my clothes, you wait out here. Don't come in okay?"


"You promise?"

"Yeah, just go."

I hesitated before leaving her standing outside my house. I really needed to trust her to not follow me in. I didn't even want to think about what Jax would do to her or what I would do to him if he hurt her. She nodded in encouragement and I backed away from her slowly, heading inside my house to change as quickly as I could.

Jax sat in his armchair, eating cereal dry straight from the box. He called me but I ignored him, running up the stairs to change my clothes and brush my teeth. On the way out I grabbed an apple from the kitchen and took cutlery and a bowl into Jax.

"Don't eat from the box, it's disgusting." I said setting the utensils down beside him and then headed for the door. As I opened up the door I felt the spoon clang against the wood in a failed attempt at hitting me. I shook my head and headed to the light at the end of the path.

"You good?" she asked.

"Yeah, my balls are smelling fresh now I've changed my underwear." I replied with a smile, we hopped onto my bike and rode off together towards school.

Arriving at school with Liv got a lot of attention but I ignored all the stares and whispers, it wasn't the first time I've been center of attention and it probably won't be the last. Even if this time it's for a different reason. I spotted my group at the end of the corridor, waiting by my locker.

"Catch you later Liv." I said as we parted ways and I went to face the music of my jackass friends.

I was greeted with an embarrassing display of air humping, wolf whistles and them shouting her name in a seductive tone.

"Would you stop that, she'll hear and think I'm talking about her." I shoved them into the lockers and peeked at Olivia who had her head in her own locker, completely oblivious to my friends and their display.

"What happened? You hit home run?" Zak asked.

"No nothing happened." I told them.

"We've seen the picture Liam. You're on her bed and she's wearing your jacket. You can't tell me nothing happened." Jordan said accusingly.

"Nothing happened." I repeated, getting a little irritated now.

"You literally fuck everything." Ben chimed in.

"We're just friends, we're staying just friends. It's the way I want it to be." I reassured them but I don't think a single one of them bought it.

"If you're just friends you won't mind taking part in our little bet then?" Jordan said with a cunning smile. I rolled my eyes determine to prove my point.

"What bet?" I asked.

"We got to bed the biggest loser in the lock in. Whoever bags the biggest loser wins the bet." Ben explained.

"Fine." I agreed and we all shook on it.

All morning I got bombarded with questions about Olivia and I, some from people I had never spoken to before in my life. Everyone was obsessed with the photo on my Instagram and asked real personal questions. I refused to answer them all but if I was getting it this bad I'm sure Olivia was getting it worse.

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