#23 Truth or Dare?

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I lay back on Jordans sofa, tracing the ceiling patterns with my eyes. I reached into my pocket and pulled out her number, tracing her curvy handwriting with the tips of my fingers. I've already added her number to my phone but I'm not getting rid of this note. It smells like her, is that weird? 

Jordan was still tiptoeing around me even though it had been a good solid few hours since my meltdown. He hasn't mentioned it or asked me questions but he was always offering me food and drink, like that was the medicine to my shitstorm. We also talked less, like things were awkward because he didn't want to say the wrong thing and set me off again. It was driving me slightly crazy.

"Thanks." I said through the silence as he played Fifa.  He shot me a side glance, not really removing his eyes off the screen for more than a second. "For getting Olivia." I followed up with, refusing to look at him.

"Anytime bro." He said with a slight smile, like a small child had just been praised for his efforts.

"Don't do that again." I said sternly, hoping he would get the message without me going into too many details.

"Okay." he said with a clear nod and no further questions.

And just like that the tension and awkwardness had drained away, I picked up the second controller and told him to put it on two player mode. 


"Truth or Dare?" Zak asked me as we sat in the food court of the mall. 

"Dare of course." Zak pointed at a table with his chin where a group of girls sat eating lunch.

"Go up to them, ask them all for their numbers, if any of them give it to you tell them you've saved it as booty call" he smirked proudly at his dare. 

"Easy." I scoffed as I stood up and made my way over to the girls. 

When I reached the table I pulled out a chair and sat on it backwards, leaning my elbows casually on the back of the chair as all the girls twinkled their eyes in my direction waiting for me to explain why I was there. I could see them checking me out already and that made me smile confidently. 

"I was just sitting with my guys over there" I pointed towards my friends who watched intently and when all heads turned to them they gave an awkward wave which made my smile grow "I looked over here and saw something I liked. Was just wondering if I could get your numbers." The girls stared at me like I had two heads and I bit back my amused smile in order to play the serious game. I think I was fighting a losing battle here.

"Which one of us?"  The ginger haired girl asked, she looked a little offended but also the tiniest bit intrigued. 

"Don't you like a little mystery? How about you all give me your numbers and you can figure out which one I like between you?" I said feeling a little cocky. 

They really weren't going to buy this shit. I could feel eyes burning into me from my friends as the girls contemplated my offer. The ginger one looked a little bossy, she pursed her lips at me and furrowed her brows with a displeased stance. She was very pale but was completely covered in freckles, I admired her natural beauty but that scowl wasn't going to get me anywhere. I just had to hope her friends were more laid back.

"You know we attend the catholic school right? We're basically training to be nuns." Jesus, that's even a thing? The ginger girl, who seemed to be the voice of the pack informed me. 

"Better get your kicks in while you can." I shrugged taking my phone out and then peered up at them waiting to see if they were going to play along or not. They looked at each other for a moment and then back at me, one by one giving me numbers to enter into my phone. 

"Thanks, I'll add your numbers in my phone as 'booty call' and text ya." I said standing up without giving them a chance to reply, their faces were a picture though and I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore as I returned to my own table. Waving my phone triumphantly at Zak.

"Truth or dare?" I asked Ben. 

"Truth." He said as expected, not brave enough to take on  a dare.

"How far did you really get with Olivia?" I didn't want to hear the answer to his question but I also couldn't stop myself from asking it. I felt Zak and Jordan tense beside me in anticipation for his answer. Anxiety bubbled up inside my chest, it was gut wrenching and I regretted asking the question but I hoped his answer would be different this time. 

"Third base. No clothes. Heavy petting. Mutual masturbation. So close to or-" I held my hand up to silence him. He had already told us this and I didn't believe him but he was sticking to his story so maybe he was telling the truth, especially when he said with such ease and pride. I got a whirling feeling between my ears and I knew it was the blood rushing around. I wanted to punch the smug smile off his face but I kept my fists clenched by my side. 

You asked for the answer Liam, take it.

"Truth or dare? Ben asked Jordan, continuing the game like my insides were not ready to explode.


"Go into Burberry and steal something of decent worth." 

"Accepted." Jordan said with ease.

Zak, Jordan and Ben went in the store and I waited outside for them, not wanting to be part of the shoplifting because I don't have bail money if I got caught. It wasn't like I was stealing food or something I needed to live, it was a pointless item as part of a stupid dare. 

They took forever so I just stood leaning against the window but I got the sense like someone was watching me so I looked up and was met with two vibrant emeralds sparkling under the light. Everyone around me disappeared and she was all I could focus on as our eyes met from across the room in a moment that was far too brief.

This was the first time I had saw her since I lost control in the bathroom. Even from across the room I could see the kindness in her eyes and I knew she was questioning if I was alright. She cares so strongly with all of her heart and I'm nothing but toxic to that kindness. 

Jordan exited the shop setting alarms off, he placed a cap on my head and told me to run. Pulling myself away from her I ran in the opposite direction. A security guard tried chasing us but he couldn't keep up.

"Fat ass" Jordan shouted back.

"Catch us if you can shorty." I shouted through my laughter.

We waited in the parking lot for Ben and Zak to rejoin us, panting breathlessly from running away from the security guard. In a fleeting thought I wondered what Olivia thought about what she had just witnessed but I decided not to torment myself with those thoughts.

"I told you I didn't want to be part of the shoplifting." I said as I lifted a navy blue hat off my head. 

"Chill would you? I paid for that one." He said as he inspected every square inch of his car incase something had happened to it whilst we were in the mall. I rolled my eyes.

"That guard was so mad bro." Zak and Ben rejoined us with smiles on their faces as they tried on the hats and admired themselves in the car mirrors.

"Meet here tomorrow morning at seven AM to get the booze for sports week." Jordan ordered us.

"Uh, the bus leaves at seven." I informed him.

"The bus can't leave without the star players." Jordan said matter of factually. 

I nodded my head in agreement. One week without school. One week without Olivia. One week to get my head clear and get her out of my mind for good.

I can do this.

BAD BOY ABUSED (male pov)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora